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First firearm in the stage is rifle.  Shooter brings his .45 Colt rifle to the line, inadvertently loaded with .38 Special rounds.  Cycles the rifle to start the stage, and a cartridge is chambered, slides down the barrel, and lands on the ground downrange of the shooting position.


The question is: did a round go downrange and is the shooter, thus, committed to the stage?


(yes, this happened)


After I had picked myself up off the ground from laughing so hard,


I'd use the meta-rule - "Don't be a hard A$$"



(Besides, a round needs to be FIRED to actually have a bullet go down range for shooter to own stage)


good luck, GJ


Shooter did get a restart. But after every body stopped laughing I told him we should consider those three or four rounds that were cycled as rounds downrange. He took it in the manner it was intended. He's a good sport but he did take a little ribbin about that.



That brings back memories.  Out practicing with 2 near identical 1911's... a 45 and a 9mm....    I think you can see where this is going....Yep...wrong mag... rack the slide... 9mm ROUND goes "plop" onto the ground..... ;D


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