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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

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With EOT coming East of the Mississippi I am hoping to attend my first EOT.  Thinking of coming early for Wild Bunch.


I’ve heard a lot about Wild Bunch at Winter Range.  What can one expect at EOT?  What are the usual round counts?


Although no one has posted round counts yet, typical "big match" WB round counts (average per stage) run about 35 pistol, 8 rifle and 7 shotgun per stage.  Multiply by the 12 stages they expect to put up, and you can see the ammo needed for the WB match.  Then take another 100-200 pistol, 100 rifle and 100-200 shotgun for spares and side matches (which have not been called out yet either), and you know how big the pack mule is going to have to be.


Be SURE you have chronographed your loads and calculated power factors for ammo shot from your 1911 and rifle.  Big matches always chrono a sample of shooters and their ammo.  160 PF is a good average power factor to "shoot" for.


good luck, GJ


I don’t need to add too much to GJ’s post.  It is much too early to finalize the round count for WB at EOT.  There is a huge amount of coordination with cowboy as we must synchronize with their stages, although we plan to move targets out and add targets.


Based on the fact that there will be six stages a day, the pistol round count will be a little lower than GJ suggested.  The high will be an average of 28 pistol rounds per stage.  Take heed of GJ’s comments and bring lots of extra ammo for warmup and side matches.


I am sure that the Match Director will get a more accurate round count to everyone well before the match, as well as information about side matches.



There is every intention of holding a BAMM match and other side matches at EOT.  However, with everything that must be put together, these details have not been finalized.  It is our hope to have more details in the next couple of weeks.


While we may not have too much flexibility, we are looking for feedback.  Would WB shooters rather have the WB Side Matches on Friday, June 18, Monday June 21 or Tuesday June 22?





Would the WB side matches be open only to Wild Bunch shooters?


Assuming I am able to come up for Wild Bunch it would probably be more convenient to shoot the Wild Bunch gear on the first few days, then switch over to cowboy guns after Sunday.  I use the same rifle for both games but will feed it Frontier Cartridge ammo in the CAS warm up stages.

From what I am seeing on the SASS Wire, there will be some WBAS shooters who did not get into the CAS match.  I think that weighs in favor of having the Wild Bunch side matches on Friday June 11 rather than the following week.
  • 1 month later...

Legendary Lawman


I would much prefer the side matches happen on Friday. I don't know about others, but since I am only going for WB, my plans are to be there Friday -Sunday and drive back on Monday. I wish we were having the WB banquet closer to the shoot, I would happily stick around a day for it, or even if Monday was the sidematches and Banquet. I ain't holding my breath on the banquet moving though.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Will there be any “banquet” or wrap up gathering for the Wild Bunch match on Sunday? It would be nice for those of us who are not staying for the Cowboy activities. I don’t see anything on the events schedule. 
It doesn't look like there is anything scheduled, and I agree with you, it sure would be nice.    We might just have to get some adult beverages and find a big shade tree and have our own banquet.

Yeah, I have to agree it is a bummer that we don't get to be around and congratulate our fellow wild people. When we were on the old schedule in NM I was going to hang around the extra day for the banquet, I can't justify a week.


This sounds like a plan.

I just spent the weekend riding ATVs and drinking Utica Club. Which means (if your not familiar with that brand) that I’ll drink anything. I don’t care for IPAs. I’ll be camping and will have some brown liquor on hand as well.
  • 2 weeks later...

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