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Does anyone else think the Wild Bunch scoring system sucks or is it just me?

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I don’t have a problem with total time or rank scoring. For a small monthly match total time works just fine and for a big state or regional rank scoring is ok but a stage dq should knock you out of any awards other than fastest stage awards. If you were moving so darn fast that you messed up bad enough to ‘win’ a stage dq I don’t care how fast you shot the other 9 stages. You didn’t earn a spot in the shootout imo.

A stage dq is just that. A stage dq. Not a match dq. I believe the better thing to do, as we are trying, is to do away with stage dqs. It’s either serious enough to warrant a match dq or it’s a no call.

As to the scoring methods, if you want to see penalties go to the match director and ask. Usually, it is very simple for them to print that for you or email it to you.


  On 4/17/2019 at 10:53 PM, Boggus Deal said:

As to the scoring methods, if you want to see penalties go to the match director and ask. Usually, it is very simple for them to print that for you or email it to you.

And here we see one reason that this sport isn't growing. A simple thing that would let shooters see more about how the shooters perform in a match and are unwilling to do it. We had some new shooters at out last WB match. They don't see how what they did reflected on the score sheet. But again this is just my opinion.

You know if I were not the guy that runs the shoots at my club I wouldn't even be bothering to call attention to this. I can deal with a score sheet that just says who won. That is all most people want to know right?


Trying to get new Wild Bunch shooters in our matches is hard enough but add in the fact that the new guys that are thinking about shooting see a score sheet that looks like a tax return just seem stupid to me. Just my opinion again.

  On 4/18/2019 at 12:38 AM, Flash said:


As to the scoring methods, if you want to see penalties go to the match director and ask. Usually, it is very simple for them to print that for you or email it to you.

And here we see one reason that this sport isn't growing. A simple thing that would let shooters see more about how the shooters perform in a match and are unwilling to do it. We had some new shooters at out last WB match. They don't see how what they did reflected on the score sheet. But again this is just my opinion.

Why did you hide the scores from them? If they want to see how they did, show them!

What exactly are you trying to get to here? One post, you’re complaining about the scoring system. In another, it’s match directors not show the minutiae of shooter’s performance. Then, you say your the match director not showing shoote’s scores.

And for most of us, it’s not all about winning or who won but the is a competition. Someone is going to be first and someone will be last. Of course, we could go like Cowboy is going. A category for everyone and a participation trophy for everyone who shows up. In that case, we may as well throw out the timer and the shooting and just give out the trophies at registration.

  On 4/18/2019 at 3:11 AM, Boggus Deal said:



As to the scoring methods, if you want to see penalties go to the match director and ask. Usually, it is very simple for them to print that for you or email it to you.

And here we see one reason that this sport isn't growing. A simple thing that would let shooters see more about how the shooters perform in a match and are unwilling to do it. We had some new shooters at out last WB match. They don't see how what they did reflected on the score sheet. But again this is just my opinion.

Why did you hide the scores from them? If they want to see how they did, show them!

What exactly are you trying to get to here? One post, you’re complaining about the scoring system. In another, it’s match directors not show the minutiae of shooter’s performance. Then, you say your the match director not showing shoote’s scores.

And for most of us, it’s not all about winning or who won but the is a competition. Someone is going to be first and someone will be last. Of course, we could go like Cowboy is going. A category for everyone and a participation trophy for everyone who shows up. In that case, we may as well throw out the timer and the shooting and just give out the trophies at registration.

I really think that at this point I would be wasting my time trying to get a point across that may help recruit new WB shooter so what I am getting here is the upcoming scoring systems (Practiscore) will just show numbers that mean nothing to the new shooters and that the powers that be are stuck in their way and will not change something that would be so simple to do. I am done Thank you!

What exactly is the point you’re trying to get across? Like I said, you started out attacking the scoring method. Then, match directors for not showing performances. Go look at the scores from EOT the last few years in the side match called cowboy. Wild Bunch is the main match. It only shows the times. Doesn’t show penalties. Same with Winter Range. Both quite successful matches.

Again, what exactly is the point?

The Rules Committee over the last few years has made lots of changes listening to what shooters have spoken about. What is it that would be so simple to change?


I really think that at this point I would be wasting my time trying to get a point across that may help recruit new WB shooter so what I am getting here is the upcoming scoring systems (Practiscore) will just show numbers that mean nothing to the new shooters and that the powers that be or stuck in their way and will not change something that would be so simple to do. I am done Thank you!



That is a red herring argument. USPSA uses PractiScore and a similar scoring system. It's not causing problems for them. In fact the local USPSA club that started last year at Founders Ranch ended the year with 20 to 30 shooters twice a month. Looks like they'll have even more for this season. No problems with the scoring system there.

SASS on the cowboy side is the only major shooting sport that uses total time. Everyone else uses something like Stage Points. Shooting sports are growing. Your argument is simply not true.


  On 4/18/2019 at 3:32 AM, Boggus Deal said:

What exactly is the point you’re trying to get across? Like I said, you started out attacking the scoring method.

You should read my first post where I said I don't have a problem with the "Method" I have a problem with the info the final report gives.


But really I can give my shooters a real score sheet until I don't have a device ACES runs on anymore. And I am really done. Really.




Here is an example of what I was hoping we could have in the future. I can see now that won't happen.



It seems to me that everyone has had their say on this topic. 


It is important to note that the WBAS Committee has NO say over how the scoring programs are written. Either Practiscore or the SASS program written by CD Tom.  They decide whether Misses and "P's are shown on the report. So if that is the OP's issue we cannot help you. You will need to take that up with the program authors.


I will leave this open for a short time if there is anything useful added.  If not I may close this topic.

  On 4/18/2019 at 3:51 AM, Boggus Deal said:

Did you read the title of your original post? The one where you said the scoring system sucks?


I guess a better title would have been that the scoring system "reporting" sucks.  But if the official scoring program(s) do not have the option of showing penalties, as Happy Jack mentioned, then I suppose there really isn't anything to be done short of the program authors adding it.


I have to agree with Bogus on the severity of penalty for the SDQ .If it is heinous enough to be a potential safety of life issue then the shooter should be done,period ,regardless of how fantastic a shooter they are in all other respects and at all other times.

If it isn't ,then make it a no call.

To my mind , regardless of the shooting sport if you lose control of your firearm (170 loaded or not) or of your fire control awareness (trigger finger) ,then you should be done for that match .


On the subject at hand,TT is simple,it works and you don't have to explain it ad nauseam to everyone ALL THE TIME .This is a simple game with no cash purse. Lets just keep it safe and simple .


I don't see very many threads,posts or camp fire discussions clamoring to bring back the good old days of rank points in cowboy .

The purpose of penalizing a shooter is what? To make the gun game we play fair, keep things honest but mostly keep us SAFE. It’s the shooters responsibility to maintain control of his firearm at all times whether it’s BELIEVED to be loaded or not. This translates to absolute control of the chunk of lead that’s going down his barrel and down range with a wide margin of error IN CASE there is an accidental discharge. That absolute control means that a mishandled dropped gun or knocked off a prop [by the shooter as opposed to a prop failure] long gun earns a stage dq. The purpose of the dq is to teach the shooter that gun safety is more important than his gun handling speed and that his carelessness will not go unpunished. Fast and safe are not opposites but as in anything the faster you go the easier it becomes to screw things up. There should be serious consequences of having a stage dq, and by dickering around with the penalties and scoring so that it doesn’t matter in the overall match scoring is wrong. The top guns of any match should be the guy/gal with the fastest time, they probably will have misses, maybe even a ‘p’ but with no safety dq’s. Just my 2 cents.

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