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Silvertip, this design, along with a modified firing pin stop, came from Austin Beahlert many years ago. It absolutely decreases the force required to rack the slide! I won't agree with the 31% claim. As J Frank noted, I have been working on something similar and plan to get samples to the WBAS committee as soon as possible!
Here are a couple of very crappy pics of the idea I am involved in. First, let me say, I take absolutely no credit for this. A good friend of mine has been working on this for several years now. I am just helping get it to production. As I mentioned in my earlier post, Austin Bealerht devised this many, many years ago. The same technology will be available on a 1911A1 type spur hammer, even if it doesn't become WB legal, it will be on the open market.

My comment about it being ILLEGAL on a traditional gun mostly refers to the Commander type spur. One consideration given to whether a modification is "external" is whether it can be seen when the firearm is "action closed with hammer down". After thinking about this I am not sure it would be visible when the pistol was in that condition. IF that is the case it would not be an illegal external modification on a modern pistol since "lightweight competition hammers" are allowed. On a traditional pistol if the "standard spur type hammer" were to modified on the front face it could also be legal.


It could be possible that some cutting away of the front face of the hammer could be done and not be visible in the condition specified. IF that were the case and the remainder of the hammer were legal it WOULD be legal. Perhaps the "Cammer Technology" hammer would not be legal but one similar to the photo in Boggus's post could be. 


We will just have to look at one installed to make a final judgment.

Obviously legal on a modern pistol. Just like removing metal from the bottom of the barrel on a rifle under the forend. The modification can't be seen so therefore under the rules it is NOT an external modification. As long as the hammer spur meets the guidelines what happens to the front of the hammer that can't be seen in it's resting position is legal.  I'm not keen on allowing it on a Traditional pistol, but the Committee will have to decide IF we want to specifically deal with it on a Traditional pistol. My feeling is we will ignore it.

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