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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Two Dot

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Everything posted by Two Dot

  1. I can't say what was anticipated, but per the rules. Once the pistol is drawn (clears the holster) it cannot be reholstered until cleared at the end of the stage. The only way the pistol is safe to leave the shooters hand during the stage is at slide lock with no magazine or an empty magazine.
  2. I'd find a scale before I started grinding or swapping parts. Harbor Freight sells a diet/ postal scale that works well.
  3. If it still has a bullet in the case I consider it to be "live ammo".
  4. Turn your head for a second! He is a sneaky one! Lol
  5. Either is fine in appropriate calibers. Also a Marlin in a legal caliber.
  6. There are many brands of lace up ropers available. Most places that sell western boots will Have some.
  7. The 73 and 66 Winchester clones and the 94 Marlins are the most popular.
  8. No. Once you draw the pistol you cannot reholster whether it has been Charged or not.
  9. Makes them run smoother
  10. Sammy you're just jealous of his fashion sense!
  11. You might try Wild Bodie Tom. He's done guns for quite A few of our top shooters.
  12. Pretty sure you will need to bump your Trail Boss loads up a few tenths of a grain to make factor.
  13. Cheaping out on mags is the biggest mistake you can make. I do not care how good your gun is, it will not run on junk mags. As Bodie said which ones will work best may vary with your gun. But go with quality mags or be prepared to have many malfunstions to clear. Two Dot
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