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Blackfoot last won the day on March 31 2023

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About Blackfoot

  • Birthday 10/19/1934

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  1. Since they dropped the word steel and dropped the minimum weight requirement it seems that the lightweight 1911 is allowed. Blackfoot
  2. They are made for selling and are will known for causing problems. Blackfoot
  3. Does the safety work if you leave the shim out ? (don't forget to also remove the parts that are in the slide) Blackfoot
  4. Will it go to slide lock if you manually operate the slide to empty the magazine? Your conversion may not provide that feature. Blackfoot
  5. Some folks think of a model 12 as a gussied-up or improved 97. Forget it! A model 12 is a totally different design, done by a different firearm designer. Blackfoot
  6. Tell us what's on your mind. Blackfoot
  7. That is a really nice and valuable moded 12. I would NOT use it for Wild Bunch competition. Blackfoot
  8. Not a common term in my neck of the woods. Blackfoot
  9. Six works fine, I usually have 6 on the belt and 1 loose for first loading. Blackfoot
  10. That looks like a barrel band with sling swivel and attaching point for the rail. Will this open the gate to allow cobbled up Model 12's?? Blackfoot
  11. We developed a Wild Bunch DB category in our regular WB matches over a year ago. Our range has distant targets available so really all we had to do was brimg BAM rifles and designate the DB targets at each stage. The targets are various shapes, mostly smallish cowboy targets set at 35 to 100+ yards. Starting with the rifle staged open and empty with ammo in stripper clips. Usually only 5 rounds of BAM at each stage. Shooting is offhand, unsupported. It is a HOOT! Blackfoot
  12. External modifications that are not specifically addressed are not allowed. Blackfoot
  13. Start by going to a local club match and visiting. You will learn a lot and develop some instant friends! Blackfoot 8)
  14. Just caught myself thinking. What trigger pull weight do you like on your Wild Bunch pistol? Blackfoot :-*
  15. I havent had good luck with other Triple K magazines, the ones that I have tried ended up in the trash. I would not buy more than one at a time if they are the only ones available. YMMV, Blackfoot
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