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Everything posted by Abilene

  1. Why use the mag pouch? Because I have six of them :) Since reloads can be staged, that would certainly make sense, but remembering to always stage that one shell at the shotgun shooting location might be stretching the old brain cells, especially if I practically never need that shell. Haven't needed one yet, but then I haven't shot a huge number of WB matches. My two '97's (Chinese and Winchester) both have weak ejection when shooting CAS but so far have ejected okay when stoked. Thanks for the reply.
  2. I'm guessing this is one of those things that if you have to ask, it's not allowed. But I'll ask anyway, as the Handbook doesn't spell it out as not legal. Can I carry (and use, if needed) a spare shotshell in an extra mag pouch? It could be thought of as a not very form-fitting (but quite useful) shotshell loop. A vest pocket could be used in cooler weather, but not in the summer! Thanks
  3. A little late to this party. I've only ever had 2 1911's. A Kimber Compact Aluminum since 2000 that needed a lot of break-in. And my Armscor (Cimarron) 1911 I got for WB. It has been superb so far with nothing done to it. That's a small sample, but another point of data.
  4. I don't know if this is a legal procedure, but...could the shooter thumb-cock the hammer and then rack the slide? Certainly this adds a little to your time though not much if you use the off-hand and for some folks it might help.
  5. I have been using ACT-MAG's in my Cimarron (Armscor) which work fine but the lanyard loop on the bottom is hard on the palms. So Saturday I bought a couple Mec-gars and broke the prime rule by shooting them in a WB match Sunday without trying them out first. Fortunately they worked just fine!
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