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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Boggus Deal

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Boggus Deal last won the day on March 18

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  1. Well, it is called Wild Bunch ACTION SHOOTING! If I want entertainment, I’ll turn on the movie and watch it. For me the fun is in the challenge. Figuring out how I can shoot a stage to the best of my abilities. What can I do to better myself. I’ve said for years that WBAS isn’t for everyone. Neither is benchrest shooting, NASCAR racing or brain surgery.
  2. They absolutely are slower with the lighter bullet. Having spent way more time and money testing it, the 230 at 700-725 fps is the way to go. Anyone want my leftover 250 gr bullets I was trying to see if they were worth it….
  3. Thank you, sir. Got tired of breaking pins and figured there had to be a better way. Best, Boggus
  4. It’s already going there… Hell, there has been a push for a number of years to go back to 5 in the magazine.
  5. Most of the SDQs were moving with a loaded gun on the all knock down stage.
  6. Checkmate makes mags for Ruger, Colt, Ed Brown and many others. They have run the best for me. You have to pay extra to have Tripp weld the base plate on their mags just to make them stay on. You’d think on the most expensive magazine on the market it would work without having to pay extra… Using 7 round mags keeps you from accidentally overloading the mag. Keep your 8 round mags for every day carry, if they’re good mags or use them for other shooting games.
  7. Folks, I just finished a new batch of firing pins. I have plenty available. Along with new hammer springs. If you have ordered any from me recently, they are already on the way or will be Monday. Thanks!
  8. But the targets weren’t 3 feet away… And nobody runs at 150. The shooters run around 165. For the cushion.
  9. But with the goal to get the targets so close to bump them with the muzzle, that power factor would be too dangerous. Remember, this is about “entertainment”, not shooting skills. People want a clean match so instead of learning to shoot better, that’s make the targets so big and so close, you have to try to miss them.
  10. You can dry fire with mine until you wear yourself out and it won’t break. A new batch should be in my hands in the next few days.
  11. Poor stage design combined with cowboy shooters…
  12. Well, there were 33 stage DQs. With two people getting two stage DQs.
  13. One of the positives of this forum and the cowboy forum being different is here you can send pics in the private messages. You can’t do that on the cowboy wire.
  14. My question would be is do you have the correct slide stop? I believe it should be stamped “2” on the frame side.
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