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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Boggus Deal

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  1. One of the positives of this forum and the cowboy forum being different is here you can send pics in the private messages. You can’t do that on the cowboy wire.
  2. My question would be is do you have the correct slide stop? I believe it should be stamped “2” on the frame side.
  3. You’ve got some good advice here and some poor advice. I’m going to against the grain with a couple things, though. You’ll hear people say “front sight”! Forget it! Your mind should know now how to line up the sights on target. MUCH more important is proper trigger manipulation. You can spend all day lining up the sights perfectly but when you jerk the trigger all that is moot. Dry fire practice and slow fire target practice will help. But everyone flinches to some degree at some point. Controlling it is the key. That’s the only place dummy rounds are handy loaded in the mag. It will show you your flinch. Also, forget “muscle memory”. It’s a fallacy. Your brain tells every muscle what to do, when to do it and how much to do it. Don’t pay attention to where the empty mag falls. Too many people waste too much time making sure they land on the table or carpet. All you want is it out of the gun. As for malfunctions, properly tuned guns with quality ammo and proper mags mitigate malfunctions to practically nil. Also, no need to go to the line with a “Barney” mag. That will be the mag you grab when you need a full mag.
  4. Strictly legal for Modern category where white dots on sights are perfectly legal.
  5. And unlike a 97, you don’t need three or four backups.
  6. It certainly could be.
  7. It’s an honor to have shooters like yourself using my guns.
  8. Depending on application, I have springs from Wolff, ISMI, Springco, Wilson Combat, Colt, EGW, Thunder Mountain and others.
  9. This is the scammer. He is well known over in the cowboy wire. Thought I’d share is info here. Bank name : PNC BANK Bank account owners name : Todd Allen German Bank Routing number :041000124 Bank account number : 4166665692
  10. Folks, just like on the SASS Wire, there are scammers here, too. One reached out to Dusty Boddams about a deal he and I made 3-4 years ago. His info is going to the police and banks. He sent me his routing number and bank account.
  11. One of the most revered gun hacks, I mean gunsmiths, on the SASS wire hade cut a dove tail in this ‘73 barrel that the sight would not stay in. They had peened it and lock tighted it. Still it wouldn’t stay. I made an oversized sight with a bigger bead that has been working great for a couple years now.
  12. I can make a sight to fit the dovetail.
  13. J.J. That bead is 14 carat gold. And while I’ve put on hundreds of sights like you posted, from several makers, I’ve found the three dot setup to be less than ideal for wild bunch. Too busy. To each their own, though. Without seeing your slide, yes, I would guess both front and rear dovetails would have to be milled.
  14. I’ve found the round read to be a bit faster for Wild Bunch but the square bead I like better for precision. These are both 14 carat gold. Easily brightened up if they get dull.
  15. I have 3 different widths of tenons but a dovetail is typically way better. It gives you a lot more options and stays in place.
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