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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Sassy Teton Lady

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Everything posted by Sassy Teton Lady

  1. Some areas and ranges in the country have the ability to offer DB/TR, however I will go out on a limb and and say most ranges we shoot at and east of the Mississippi will not allow rifle cartridges in the “berms”. The gun clubs that own the ranges have rules against it and the berms are only 20 yards deep.
  2. In the past it has not been allowed as Happy Jack indicated. I do not see where that has changed as it is not specifically addressed as being allowed. The rules state only modifications and such that are addressed are allowed. So I would agree with HJ.
  3. We’ll be there for WB only. Yeehawwww
  4. It is the side match at the Ides of March which is the cowboy Florida state match. WB portion is 4 stages on the 17th of March in Tavares, Fl at the Eustis Gun Club.
  5. What a great addition to Wild Bunch Shooting. Welcome FJT
  6. Thank you Nellie and Dusty. All the work and countless hours are definitely appreciated.
  7. Check out Bullets by Scarlett (843-833-0770) bulletsbyscarlett.com . She has what you are looking for at very good prices. They will meet PF requirements. Give her a try. Sassy
  8. We will include the new rules effective January 1, 2018. WB RO Class at SE Regional - Memphis Tuesday - November 7th, 2017 - 1:00 PM till we get done......... Where - http://memphisgunslingers.com/index.html info on the range. Cost: $30.00 for new attendees - no charge for refreshers. Contact info: Sassy Teton Lady and Deadwood Woody - 1911cowgirl@gmail or 352 455-1457 Please let us know if you plan on attending.
  9. With aerial targets it is always important that the MD address these in the stage instructions. Either put out a static target for birds that aren't launched or allowing you to re-engage the knock down as the extra round for the bird and at that point the bird is irrelevant. There are a number of ways to address it and these are a couple.
  10. This has been addressed before. http://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/forum/index.php?topic=468.msg3475#msg3475
  11. Wild Bunch RO class on Sunday October 9th at the Wartrace Regulator Range (day after Tennessee State Shoot). You don't have to be a registered shooter to attend this RO class. Wild Bunch Range Officer Class You should be SASS ROII qualifed to attend. Please do not bring any guns. You also need to be familiar with the contents of the SASS Wild Bunch Handbook before class. Bring your well-worn, tattered and well-read book to class. Place: Wartrace Regulators Range Date: Sunday October 9, 2016 Time: 9:00 AM Contact: Sassy Teton Lady - 352-455-1457 or 1911cowgirl@gmail.com Cost: $30 Hope to see you there. Sassy & Woody
  12. Does shooting clean at the Florida State WB Match and Missouri State WB count? Just did the 4 stage WB match at the Florida State CAS match clean too.
  13. Actually I can shoot Senior at EOT - Thanks for the compliment - I think!!
  14. Reminder - Senior category is 65 and over. Not to be confused with cowboy senior age.
  15. Woody and I had a great time at the match. No endurance records made. Just good shootin'. Fun shooting with cowboys that we don't get to see very often and made lots of new friends. Thanks to Back 40 and Brisco Kid for writing and running the match. Hope to be back next year.
  16. Finally going to give my 2 cents. And we all know what that is worth....... I think I would prefer 7 rounds, but in all reality it doesn't matter. I get to shot my 1911. I will say the 5 in a mag has been a challenge shooting IDPA, but that is my challenge. Remembering that I don't have to hit the slide release because I have one in the chamber, the magazines seat harder with 7 or 8 rounds in them and I still use no base pads or mag wells in IDPA. But these are my decisions. We recently participated in a 2 day defensive pistol class. Actually a great class. There was an IDPA shooter and match director in the class and we got to rag on each other during the class. First he hit me with the dress. I countered that the dress shouldn't be a factor as jeans and a long sleeve shirt were fine along with boots. But I countered again that in IDPA we have to wear a cover garment or as he and many wear a "Shoot me first vest" so that shut him up. Then came the loading of 5 in the magazine. I looked at him and asked; How many rounds does that XDM hold? He replied 17 and I followed up with "What is the max can you load in IDPA? 10 rounds. I looked at him and didn't have to say a word. The light went on ... wow and you could see him process that we have restrictions as well. While 5 rounds is what it is, most shooting sports have rules and we all have to play within those rules. I really think the need to purchase a rifle and shotgun and use lead bullets are in my opinion the largest drawback not the 5 rounds limits in the magazine. Not everyone reloads and the majority of shooters in other sports shoot 9 mm or 40. They will use whatever excuse is convenient at the time.
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