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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Allie Mo

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Everything posted by Allie Mo

  1. Woo Hoo, Yee Haw! Our muchos banditos stage had 70 minimum today... I cleaned it, which means I got both water bottles. All other targets could be made up. For some reason, several of us had trouble counting to seven, as we could (and needed to) load seven in the magazines. I tried to move after five and was caught in time, two others were not so lucky. Also, I had the pleasure of meeting Wild Bodie Tom at the match. 8) Those are some tail feathers on his hat. :o :D
  2. Marshal, I copied the scenario word-for-word in post 13. I don't have a photo. I need a new camera...
  3. A good time would be had by all. ;D
  4. ;D Nope. It just added some fun.
  5. PS Here are the instructions for this month's stage. Optional Stage 5. Bay 5. ? Rifle, ? Pistol and ? Shotgun. 65 rounds minimum. The entire bay is one shooting position. Start at shooting position of your choice. Begin by saying: “Muchos bandidos”. At the signal, using any combination of firearms, engage the targets as follows. All knockdown targets must go down to count. All stationary targets must be hit at least once. Fallers and water bottles may only be engaged with the shotgun. Make sure all firearms are empty before they leave your hands. You may use 2 rifles. Rifles may only be loaded up to 10 rounds. Pistol magazines may be loaded up to 7 rounds. You may use 2 Wild Bunch legal shotguns. The outhouse must be used.
  6. We do this Muchos Banditos optional stage every match now. Everyone seems to love it and sticks around for it. The last two matches had 65 targets on a double stage berm. Four targets were mandatory SG. They were KDs with water bottles. We could use two rifles and two SGs if we liked. Tully Mars only shot four SG and all of the rest were pistol. (He did that last time too.)He did it and won the stage in 79.48. Wow! It is such fun to see the variety of ways it is shot. I'm getting braver and using more pistol. This time I had to use it on some of the rifle targets as I forgot my second rifle. Again, I was last but loved every minute of it. I did much better last month when I shot 22 rifle rounds. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  7. Hello Folks, Please everyone, if you shoot WB, have a brass picker with you. I woke up with a back ache this morning from brass picking. :( I also hurt other places (hand and elbow). I'd like to count now and then, while you pick. Also, having a minimum of two pickers is helpful. Thank you Wobblin' Bob and Molly Magoo for always picking! :-* 8) Regards, Allie
  8. That's what I like about the WB Wire. ;) Me too! :o ;)
  9. Hi, If you are talking about jodhpurs, I could not find men's. Altering a lady's pattern shouldn't be difficult. http://store.reconstructinghistory.com/rh1014-1910s-1940s-ladies-riding-breeches-or-jodhpurs.html
  10. Tom, I'll just leave it here. If he sees it, okay. If not, okay. If I ever do that, I'll take my whoopin', if I get one. Regards, Allie
  11. Now this is the way to get style points!
  12. :-* Then, IMHO, the word "charged" should be removed as the implication is as I wrote. ??? I wonder what Happy Jack would say about that. ;-) Regards, Allie
  13. I beg to differ. :o Following is the rule: " If charged at the wrong time or location, the pistol may be completely cleared without penalty. The pistol may NOT be re-holstered. It must be staged safely and then retrieved when needed. " In Bogus' situation the gun was not charged. Regards, Allie
  14. This was between stages at the match and he had them on for subsequent stages. Last year, I got caught in a photo at awards in black athletic shoes. My feet were killing me. I have Morton's neuromas in both feet. I was so embarrassed. Besides being illegal, they were ugly. I have continued my search for comfortable, appropriate shoes and purchased so many shoes that didn't work out. I have found that buying shoes a size too large and putting a cushioned insole in them is helpful as are flats. Regards, Allie Mo
  15. PS There was another instance where I know the shooter requested an accommodation and got it at WR. It was to extend the opening lever on his SG. The person who told me about this felt it was not necessary for him to shoot the gun. Rather, it increased his competitiveness. :-\
  16. Hi Folks, After reading another thread about a staging accommodation, I was wondering if any of you, who may be asked to rule on an accommodation (I can't remember ever being asked), have felt the request was to make the shooter reasonably competitive? Or, are all requested accommodations you've had based on the shooter's inability to shoot at all without it? Do you think the former appropriate or only the latter? One instance I've seen was a very agile/spry fellow who "ran like the wind" ;) with his brown athletic-looking shoes. I do not know if he asked for an accommodation. Just that some of us were surprised to see those shoes on him when we noticed them (at a Regional match) when he had a photo taken in a coffin. Regards, Allie Mo
  17. I voted. As JFN specifically requested no comments, I will not post them in his thread. KingSnake :-[
  18. I would prefer to have the entire match be one way or the other or have any seven round stages be last. After one seven round stage, our MD did remind folks to check their mags to ensure they had five in them. Regards, Allie
  19. Okay! We had the option of loading 7 on two stages yesterday. I did it on one stage and did not have any trouble remembering to count accurately. Not saying I like it... :P :-\ ;)
  20. PS I just found out there were 34 targets. So, I must have shot 24 SG and 10 rifle and didn't miss any. ;D
  21. Hi Folks, I love a certain type of stage that we have at almost every monthly WBAS match. I didn't keep the scenario, so I can't give the exact wording. There were 31 targets spread around a very wide berm. All were must engage once. KDs had to fall. All targets, even stationary, were Comstock. No penalty of you lost track and engaged a stationary target twice. If you had a problem and didn't engage the bird, you had to fire that round downrange. There were three sets of lollypop KDs. Two fives and one six. The one with six had another KD and bird beside it. There were two sets of stationary targets at a rifle distance. One set of stationary targets at a pistol distance. One six target dueling tree about 1/2 way between rifle and pistol. Most people chose to use primarily pistol with some rifle and SG. One fellow used pistol and SG only. I <giggle> used 22 SG and 10 rifle. I carried my pistol and mags in case I needed to make up any additional targets (I didn't). Reasoning, I'm much better with SG and rifle. I took twice as long (145.91 seconds) as most of the shooters (the stage and match winner/alien got it in 49.55); but, I still loved it. I only missed one, which I made up. So I was clean. I engaged all of the KDs, pistol-distance targets, and one set of rifle-distance targets with the SG. I shot the dueling tree and other set of rifle-distance targets with the rifle. I traversed the stage to the right with my SG, picked up my rifle and came back to the left, engaging one rifle target (SG got the others), the dueling tree, and the other set of rifle targets. That may seem silly an inefficient, which it was, to you; but it was fun for me. Everyone attending our WBAS matches loves these. I hope this gives you enough information to try something like this. Please post your favorite stages/scenarios on this thread, if you like. Regards, Allie
  22. Woo Hoo! Progress, I just shot a WB match without bloodying my hand when inserting a magazine.
  23. Howdy Pard, I had the same problem the first few times I shot a 1911. I even had two "cute" little blood blisters that looked like vampire fang marks. All I can say is that I l"earned" how to not do whatever it was I did that caused that. ;D Sorry I can't be more helpful; but l'm not sure what I did or didn't do ??? ;)... Regards, Allie Mo
  24. Hi Clyde, I have a mix of Chips and Colts. I like the Colts best and only use the Chips if I have to. Regards, AM
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