Lone Dog
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Everything posted by Lone Dog
Buddy felt like he needed to eat so he sold me a M39 Finn 1944 Sako for 300 bucks. It is not what you might call pristine but it is in very good condition with good wood and a nice bore. I am very pleased having wanted one forever. Now I have five Moisins. Life is good
well phooey. Back to the no joy "Sorry you don't have permission to visit this forum" crap again this evening. Really really getting old...
not gonna make it for various reasons chiefly medical and financial but just curious -- all lead projectiles only?
same email and it is the onliest one I ever have had. Tried it this morn and could get in but all the posts were that spam gobbledygook so I backed out quick. Scary and crazy and frustrating
back to the sorry you don't have permission crap again, this is really getting old
Many thanks for all y'alls hard work Miz Mo
appears to be back to normal now
no I love cats. Goody and others reported on fb the same problem. It is not a pop up but a blue and white official okey dokey SASS page saying error you do not have permission to visit this page
Says I do not have permission to visit. Wth? Can still see the main page just no forums?
seems i remember something about a problem cutting 45 Colt brass down to 45 CS length. A cut down Colt brass may be the same length but the inside dimensions are all way different from the CS case?
Yup, if we went strictly by the movie everyone of us would have to buy a Star Model B in 9mm and use only a 92 for the rifle
No can do. I've asked about it and the Model 25. Answer was no. The answer is always no until it isn't. It was no for years on the 93/97 and the M12. Real sad about the Model 25 fo sho...
So, Griff are ye not gonna answer my question?
Not likely. They are like hen's teeth. Never seen airy one 'cept in pictures
Yes it sure would. What are the rules about adding extended mag tubes to otherwise legal guns such as the lightweight Model 12 ?
There are Auto 5 variants, notably the South African riot gun, with extended mags and forearms that not only would be competitive but dominant. I want one in the worst way.
Nerp. No amen on any autoloaders as too many would cry "foul" and perceive a competitive advantage. And they could might well have a point there. No advantage to the 87. So, Griff, if the Auto 5 is the second most widely produced autoloader of all time inquiring minds want to know what is first? My guess is Rem 1100...
Izzat a bogus deal or what? Attaway to go Travis!
Well originally I guess WBAS was based on the movie, now not so much. Mebbeso more a blend of the movie and the Punitive Expedition. Strother Martin used an 03 in the movie and we don't allow it in the main match. There were 87s around in the time of the movie is set in. I'm bettin' if ole Sam Peckinpah had thot about it there would have been an 87 or two in the movie. Bet. There were certainly those amongst us who thot we did not need the M12 in this game but now thankfully we have them. Just blanket statement-ing "we doan need no mo guns" is narrow-minded. Of course we do. Just think -- maybe it will bring all the CAS shooters with an 87 and a 1911 into the game. There is no competitive advantage to the 87 and I am here to testify it is a major hoot to stoke it up and cut loose like Saint JMB designed it to do.
Well it is way past time we allowed the 87 to play in this game. I have shot a coupla local matches with mine and let me tell ya it is a real hoot to run that levergun fully stoked on a 6 shot WBAS run. I know I have suggested this before and got nowhere with it. I really cannot see why not. It is just as likely back in the day that an 87 would have been being utilyzed as it is a M12 was. Know whut I mean Vern? Also the new Ithaca/Inland Mod 37 trench gun looks perfect for this game. It sho am purdy. A little bit ( ok what the hell a lot ) pricey for a pump gun but dang do it look spiffy. I may never get one unless I find a used one worth the money someday but until that time I can dream...
In SASS CAS or WBAS we never shoot in classes only categories. But, that said, Dusty has it right. We offer it also, no takers. I shoot it when I want to save the large caliber more expensive rifle ammo and utilyze my 357 rifle.
I asked this same question several years ago and was told in no uncertain terms at the time that absolutely no, not legal. Safety concern due to the possibility of snagging on a prop or something. That ruling came down from on high too. Saying that, why would anyone want to? Now a bayonet on a trench gun I can see... 8)
Which brings up another pet peeve. Why write the stages for 6 sg shells and lettin' ole WBT get rich on those 97 kits? Ha Ha! I know the answer -- more shootin' the merrier. You know I used to be on the 7 round bandwagon but here lately I am plenty happy with the 5 round limit. Last Sat the CASers had us ounumbered 6 to 3 and about half the stages we just shot 2 mags and the others just 3. Also 4 sg shells a few times. For the simple reason to get up to the dining hall before it got too oppressively hot. It started out way too humid for this fat boy
Well phooey I did not know they only hold 4 in the mag. Never mind. No skin offa my fat nose as I have about a half dozen M12s and a dozen or so US and PRC 97s. I can get 6 in my two Chinee 87s and still leave the chamber empty howsabout we let those in? Har! Looking forward to it Mr Bursey, what's for breakfast?
Can we get the Model 25 on the agenda for discussion to be approved. Should have been approved at the same time as the Model 12 and I cannot comprehend why it was not or possibly it was not even considered. Did the ptb just not think about it at the time or what? Be that as it may, there is absotively posilutely no reason for it to not be welcomed into the fold at the earliest opportunity. Is there?...