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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Lone Dog

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Everything posted by Lone Dog

  1. Grouch I have never had the problem on this WB forum only the reglar wahr
  2. Thanks HJ that is good news for us Smith fans
  3. I have always used Firefox for this forum and the regular Wire This morning the SASS Wire came right on up as per usual. The problem only pops up on occasion say 1 out of 10 start ups but when it does I may as well forget about reading the Wire that day come back tomorrow
  4. I never sign out. It shows I am still signed in just not allowed to visit this community... In fact, when this "error" message is there it will not allow me to sign out or access anything
  5. Yes ma'am well it is happening again. I try to open the regular Wire and see this: Sorry, you don't have permission for that! You are not allowed to visit this community. Need help? then it gives a coupla click on links one of which is labeled "Contact the community administrator" but clicking on that link takes you to a blank page Very frustrating
  6. Been campaigning a coupla Smiths for years and they are my faves. They will feed anything even stuff that chokes the Ruger SR1911. No one has ever batted an eye at them shooting Modern
  7. Happy New Year to all my Wild Bunch brothers in arms
  8. Good to Go is a great TX company and their plastic coated red rounds are as good as it gets. I have been using their 9mm red devils for months now in all my semi 9 mm pistolas and also in a pair of Blackhawks. Those come out at this one match where the targets are quite a bit smaller and farther out than the norm for CAS these days. I heartily and highly recommend the company and their red devil rounds. Get on their email notifications list as they have specials quite often
  9. I have 6 M12s now and love them more than any of my dozen or so original and Chinee 97s and 93/97s. Goatneck slicked up a coupla of them well. At the LT I stick a good sized white bar towel in the triggerguard to remind me to show the loose trigger at the line. Then it is good to wipe guns, your hands or your brow with...
  10. I have had zero problems with the Herters poly coated ammo -- feeding, leading nothing. Great stuff and completely legal. I love it. My go to round for big matches. If I could afford it I would never use anything else.
  11. I have used Ultramax and it is good stuff no problems. I really like the Herters/Blazer 230 grain plastic coated aluminum case load available from Cabelas at a good price. Works great and you don't have to worry about shagging or losing the brass as it is non-reloadable berdan primed aluminum.
  12. thanks pard
  13. well yeah ok but we need a link don'tcha think?
  14. Thanks for the input guys. I always bring 3 or 4 good running 1911s to any match. So if anyone needs a loaner let me know. At least one of which will be Traditional legal even tho I shoot Modern.
  15. a man's got to know his limitations
  16. As I said this is a hypothetical question. Not a matter of WANT to put up with it. Shooter only has the one gun and no time to get it fixed before the match. IS it legal to use or IS it NOT??
  17. ha ha no thanks long as they work ain't gettin' took apart
  18. " If after firing all the rounds in the magazine the slide lock fails and the shooter needs to reload without moving, one may do so without locking the slide back before inserting the new magazine. This is considered a malfunction. Safe reloads after any type of malfunction are legal. " Ok, I am clear on the above. Now what if I hypothetically only had one 1911 and it suddenly in practice shooting did not reliably lock the slide open after every mag. ?? It would pass the pre-match inspection as no rounds are fired. I do not have time to get it fixed before the match. Enter and shoot or stay home?
  19. Spikester I am way past ready. Shot all 6 of my M12s today to see which three get to go and which 3 have to stay home. Shot my new old Smith 1911 I got off the SASSWire and so far it has no misses in it. I am sure that will change this coming weekend. The Marlin as always was good to go and I am sure the back up Marlin is too. Both are LH tuned great rifles. Cleaning magazines? Har.!!! Never have yet. Of course I never ever let mine hit the dirt either...
  20. Y'know I am sure there are. I think there is tremendous potential for BAMM to become a stand alone sport. After all there are several million guys who have Moisins and Mausers and would love to break 'em out and shoot 'em. Of course it will take venues that allow surplus ammo to be used as those guys are just NOT gonna go to the trouble of loading special lead pill loads like we do
  21. I lurk here alla time hoping against hope just to see something or other... Thoroughly and terribly disappointed most days tho...
  22. man is it ever dead as a doornail in here or what??
  23. Mine is non-existent. Up here in the Big Empty I am about the onlyiest one shooting WB. Every 5th Sat is supposed to be a WB match with CAS as ancillary. Usually I am the only one who shows up with a 1911. Zero interest in BAMM. Only time I get to shoot BAMM is at CVV at the state WBAS match. When BAMM first started sporters were allowed. BIG mistake to no longer let them shoot. If a guy shows with a sporter he should be encouraged not forbidden from playing. Even if it is for no score, what is the harm of a cut down stock anyways? Oops fergot to say -- pet peeve alert
  24. Thanks Lawman, that is good news. One of the big things holding back the growth of BAMM shooting is the difficulty procuring or making lead pill loads for those places that require it. Now I really wish I could make it to EOT this year. Got a 1944 Sako 39 the other day that I really need to shoot.
  25. Allie Mo ma'am I sent you a coupla PMs needing help with a deal on the SASS Wire classifieds but you can diregard the first one -- was able to get on there with my phone.
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