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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Lone Dog

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Everything posted by Lone Dog

  1. I applaud this move. 25 yards should be no problemo for all but possibly Mr Magoo. I would like to see regular CAS do this too but ahem and alas that is probably wishful thinking. After all, the concept of the rifle is the projection of power over a DISTANCE, not just to see who can toggle the bloomin' thing the fastest...
  2. Amen. The concept of the rifle is the projection of power over a distance. NOT to see who can toggle it the fastest. The modern paradigm that has taken over CAS and driven so many out of it was a big mistake and turn for the worse. When I started in 96 we had main match rifle targets up to 75 yards away and none inside of 20 yards. We had silly stuff on and off the clock too and we sure had a hell of a lot more fun back then. I believe 5 or 6 or 7 rifle rounds on big targets out at 40 and 50 yards would be a big winner for WBAS. The new paradigm crowd just cannot comprehend how many folks stay home now instead of coming out for that run n gun toggle fast stuff but look at the membership numbers -- there has to be a bunch of 'em I do believe.
  3. I like to wear pith helmets over a sweat soaking head wrap for wb
  4. Aleve is bad ju ju poison. So is tylenol. Look it up. Too much of either and your liver and kidneys are forfeit. It is VA provided methocarbomal and enteric coated aspirin for me.
  5. Oh wait, my 03 is a sporter so scratch that one. I do not know why we stopped allowing sporterized rifles if we want to expand BAMM. The sporters were not hurting a bloomin' thing... :'(
  6. I plan to be there for sure. Internal body parts breakdowns have knocked me from shooting since mid-Sept but I should have the faulty bits out and recovered by then. Very much looking forward to it.
  7. Ugh. No no no. I hate double taps, triple taps are silly and dumps are abominations...
  8. Thanks Last Chance, I got a fingernail polish bottle ordered. I appreciate a company that has the one click paypal option.
  9. Never heard of Cherry Balmz black rifle grease. Where do you get it Last Chance? I am all about less cleaning..
  10. Off the shelf 3006 ammo is not allowed by the landowner at CVV. Lead pills only
  11. so who won? how many shooters?
  12. J Frank, that is why i will have both options of long and short barreled M12s in the cart. Options is good. Dusty, yathink?
  13. Of my six M 12s 4 have the longer barrel. I have not found them any less viable than the two with shorter barrels. I would shoot it and not worry about cutting it. Try it -- you might like it. In fact, sometimes the long barrel guns are an advantage -- say with a flying claybird f'rinstance YMMV
  14. Side match for big old revolvers fine but not for main match. No way a big ole honkin' revolver could compete, even more so when we finally eventually inevitably go to 7 rounds in the mags, as JMB intended .
  15. I use a separate belt for the mag pouches with 2 Kirkpartick and 2 Mernickle mag pouches thus allowing me to carry 9 mags to the LT with the one in the loading strip. Putting the mag pouches on the gun belt makes it too busy so to speak. With the two belts there is plenty room to carry a few knives and cartridge/sg shell slides at various strategic locations. Then, when not shooting the pouch belt can come off and hang on the gun cart whilst the gun belt remains cinched around the fat boy meownself...
  16. Bingo, 7 and 5 should have been the norms from the get go, how we got saddled with 5 and 6 is still the great mystery...
  17. ha ha I am always last or next to last overall at the TX State WBAS Champeenship match. And always very happy just to be there. Happy happy happy
  18. Was not implying that Lucas or any oil would have any effect on barrel leading. My question went to which of Ringer's bulletos Boggus was putting so many rounds thru with no apparent leading problems, plastic coated or plain lead since Ringer sells both types. Pretty remarkable actually. Like Boggus, I despise cleaning but I have never gone over about a thousand rounds w/o running a bore snake thru. That and a spritz of whatever here and there keeps me going w/o field stripping. There are other treatments, but the liquid I remember as being advertised not just to reduce leading but to actually eliminate it forever was SweetShooter. Any of y'all remember that stuff? I still have a large can of it as welll as all the kit that I bought from the guy at the first Edgewood EOT back in what was it 03? 04? They also had a slew of auto treatment products just like Lucas. Inertia kept me from ever trying the SweetShooter treatment but still have it and may yet crack open the can... ...someday ... then again mebbe not...
  19. So you go 4000 rounds w/o leading between cleanings? Unreal and remarkable. Do not try this at home with any glockenspiel folks...
  20. Well I have tried them all. My old standby fave is Break Free but lately have become real fond of Seal Lube, slicker'n snot on a glass doorknob. I will get me some a dat Lucas wonder oil fo shore.
  21. wow that is scary as I only have the one ip address and have not traveled to any place away from this my little home town in months now ??
  22. Thus the wisdom of always carrying a "Barney Fife" magazine. Most carry it as the rearmost so as not to draw it in normal stage conquering and be an impediment rather than an asset.
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