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Elwood James

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Everything posted by Elwood James

  1. Eyesa, The math behind lower recoil for heavier bullets is due to the use of a minimum 150 Power Factor (PF) in WB. PF = (bullet mass x velocity) / 1000. 200 grn bullet needs a minimum velocity of 750FPS to meet power factor. A 230grn bullets minimum velocity is 653FPS. When you plug these numbers into the formula for kinetic energy (KE), you see the that squaring of 750FPS results in a higher KE than the 653fps. The other way to prove the difference in recoil is by looking at the powder manufactures data (I do not recommend you trust the testing data they provide using special equipment to meet PF in your weapons). For example trail boss shows 3.5 grns provides 658fps for a 230grn bullet. Same powder load gives 653FPS for a 200grn bullet which will not meet PF. You actually need close to 4.8grns of TB to meet minimum PF with a 200grn bullet. Bottom like more powder equals more recoil. Again the numbers I reference above, are for showing why a heavier bullet has less recoil than a lighter bullet for the same PF. My examples should not be used as an actual load that will meet WB criteria. Each weapon is different. Hope this helps. EJ Waltermire WB Ambassador SW region
  2. ES, This inconsistency was identified shortly after the current rules posted. Biggest problem was no penalty was associated with it and it conflicted with the definition of a safe gun leaving the shooters hand. It will be fixed in the next iteration of the rule book. Thanks for keeping us honest. Elwood James Waltermire SW region ambassador
  3. https://www.outdoorchannel.com/show/shooting-gallery/1630 Compliments of CN Double. Looking forward to the entire episode,
  4. Every round loaded beyond the posted stage round count is considered illegally acquired ammunition. Per the rule book: 5-SECOND PENALTIES Rifle, pistol, and shotgun targets must be engaged with the appropriate type of firearm. A “miss” is defined as the failure to hit the appropriate target type using the appropriate type firearm. Target placement should always allow a shooter the opportunity for a clean miss to be scored without argument. Overlapping targets of the same type should be avoided if at all possible and should not cause a Procedural “trap” by making it difficult to determine the shooter’s intent when engaging the targets. • Each missed target. • Each unfired round. • Each target hit with an incorrect firearm, either intentionally or by mistake. • Each target hit with “illegally acquired” ammunition. •Each target hit with an “illegally acquired” firearm. (i.e., one reused after being declared as malfunctioning)
  5. Now that is funny.
  6. More info: Main Match pistol 266, rifle 71, shotgun 52 Top Gun pistol 14, rifle 5, shotgun 3 ( count is per round with approx. 5 rounds for the winner ) Side Matches Fastest Rifle 10 rounds Fastest Pistol 21 rounds Fastest Shotgun 6 rounds Long Range BAMM 30 rounds Wild Bunch Clays 25 rounds BAMM Sniper 10 rounds Doughboy 10 rounds rifle, 21 rounds pistol, 6 rounds shotgun MAD 30 as many as you can shoot in 30 seconds GAMM Sniper 16 rounds If you are camping, please call Hondo at 405-694-5270 when you arrive and I will find you a spot. If you are staying in Edmond or Oklahoma City, there is a mask mandate in effect. We do not have the mask mandate at the range.
  7. http://cowboy.okcgunclub.org/Wild%20Bunch%20Assets/Wild%20Bunch%20State%202020/index.html Reminder that the OK WB state competition is just around the corner: 2-4 Oct. Get your applications in ASAP. Hondo Tweed puts on an out freakin standing shoot! You will be challenged, but not be disappointed. To top it off, the food is world class. WB is happening in OK, come join the fun! Link directly to entry form: http://cowboy.okcgunclub.org/Wild%20Bunch%20Assets/Wild%20Bunch%20State%202020/Forms/application.docx Respectfully EJ
  8. There is also stage design information in the WB Match Director guide.
  9. Thanks for putting on the TX State shoot. Looking forward to some WB shooting, Doughboy style!
  10. Just received the cancellation from Reckon. They are not sure about rescheduling.
  11. Change one. Reckon and Green Mountain Regulators crew are still a go—assuming TX lightens up the restrictions in line with POTUS announcement. GMR are looking at 10 May to make a final decision. He is having problems getting things to post. I’ll try to keep this updated as I get more fidelity.
  12. Reckon said that it looks like they will cancel. Going to wait a little longer. Problem is they may not have time to prep even if restrictions lifted. If cancelled, they are looking to reschedule in November, but their is an issue to resolve. More to follow as I get more fidelity. EJ
  13. Your not shooting cowboy. The power factor solves a lot of problems. You will never see the requirement of rifle not last!!!!!!
  14. It is my understanding that Serenity and Legendary Lawman have a request to use the frontiersman Rifle targets next year at WR. This will get them further out than this past year.
  15. You are going to like them! EJ
  16. We have a vendor that will make a personalized grip with a mag release cut out. Thin or regular. We have the territorial marshal logo with our alias on them. You provide the design they make it happen. The Osage Orange goes really well with a blue gun. Walnut for stainless. If you want something different they can make it happen. I can’t post from my iPhone. PM me a POC and I’ll send some pics of the Walnut and Osage Orange grips.. $50 bucks the last time I checked. EJ
  17. If the problem manifests itself in the first few two rounds, you might consider reducing the tube spring tension(ie shorten spring). With full tube of shells, the high spring tension bounces the shell around as you work the action resulting in the random catch you show in the picture. My spring now extends about 3 inches beyond the tube, before compression. Solved my problem. Something to consider. Respectfully, EJ
  18. Sgt York MOH: In October 1918, as a newly-promoted corporal, York was one of a group of seventeen soldiers assigned to infiltrate German lines and silence a machine gun position. After the American patrol had captured a large group of enemy soldiers, German small arms fire killed six Americans and wounded three. York was the highest ranking of those still able to fight, so he took charge. While his men guarded the prisoners, York attacked the machine gun position, killing several German soldiers with his rifle before running out of ammunition. Six German soldiers charged him with bayonets, and York drew his pistol and killed all of them. The German officer responsible for the machine gun position had emptied his pistol while firing at York but failed to hit him. This officer then offered to surrender and York accepted. York and his men marched back to their unit's command post with more than 130 prisoners. York was immediately promoted to sergeant and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross; an investigation resulted in the upgrading of the award to the Medal of Honor. York's feat made him a national hero and international celebrity among allied nations
  19. OK state WB will be shooting Oct 2-4. Hope you can make it. We have a great shoot. Let me know if you need anything. EJ
  20. OKC monthly match. 12th Cowboy and 13th WB. Holler if you need a place to stay between OK and TX. Hope to see you Friday for side matches. EJ
  21. Just had this type of scenario come up in discussion. The shooter earns a procedural (Pg 19) for: Shooting (and hitting) targets in an order other than as required by stage description (in this case targets that were already down). Next, Following the miss flow chart, it takes you down to no further call. This would mean no 5 sec penalty for additional rounds shot from legally acquired ammunition. The only additional time penalty is what the shooter incurred from the additional shots. Now if the shooter had missed the target that was already down, there would have been no procedural and no miss—only time spent engaging wrong target. The above assumes the shooter kept shooting and hit the 4 knock down targets they were suppose to shoot. If they left some standing because they did not reload and engage (or missed) , they get a miss for each one left standing. The only caveat I would add; you have to be sure the shooter was engaging the wrong targets—otherwise it is just a miss.. Addendum, Another time this comes into play: shooter has a malfunction and looses count on the stage. Ends up shooting more rounds than required. Assuming a target is hit, the same procedural rule and flow chart rules above applies. Additional time used shooting the additional rounds is the only other time assessed. Hope this helps, Respectfully, Elwood James
  22. It was a great match! Thanks to the Lone Star Frontier Shooting club (and everyone that supported the effort) for hosting a WB/Doughboy shoot. Texas has moved the bar a notch higher once again. Pocket pistols and GAMM may be the new buzz word for upcoming matches in the TX/OK area. Thanks Dusty
  23. Last year the ranges varied between 150-200ish yards.
  24. Thank you, that makes more sense. So now my question is: What exactly can we expect for the WB side matches? Any amplifying information would be much appreciated. I looked for a link, but couldn’t find one.
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