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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

C.N. Double

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Everything posted by C.N. Double

  1. One final plug for this new match -- it should be a big time! Check out the attached stages. If you attended WR this year, a few of these stages should look familiar. Serenity crafted some excellent stages this year for WR WBAS, so we thought they deserved another go around. If you're on the fence, now is the time to hop down to Tombstone for some fun. See you Sunday! OPSA_WBa_Oct2020.pdf
  2. Two weeks from today we'll start shooting Wild Bunch every 2nd Sunday (and every 4th Saturday) at the Tombstone Livery. Bring those semi-autos and buckets of ammo! See you on October 11th!
  3. Dee -- did you end up sticking with 4.2gn of N320? I'm fixing to load some now using the same powder, but with coated bullets, which will likely produce less velocity.
  4. I think I may be able to play in every event this year -- looking forward to it!
  5. The Old Pueblo Shootists Association is excited to announce a 2nd monthly WBAS match at the Tombstone Livery just north of Tombstone, AZ. This match will occur on the 2nd Sunday each month, starting on October 11th. This will start as a fun 6-stage match similar to OPSA's 4th Saturday match, but we're looking at throwing in the occasional pop gun, doughboy, battlefield pickup, etc. type stage in the future. Come check it out, and let us know what you'd like to try. The Tombstone Livery (home to Bordertown) will soon have a CAS/WBAS match every weekend: 1st Sunday - OPSA CAS 2nd Sunday - OPSA WBAS (starting October 11th) 3rd Saturday - Los Vaqueros CAS 4th Saturday - OPSA WBAS Come join us!
  6. The Triple K mags seem to fit just fine. I ran 7 rounds through two of them as fast as I could with no issues. I can't comment on their long-term durability, but these seem fine so far. I might pick up a couple more and call them good. Thanks again for the guidance. @Dusty -- the dead man's gun is a great idea. I was chatting with another shooter about how to use these guns more regularly without running a whole match with them. Maybe we'll try it as a bonus stage.
  7. Howdy Kingsnake -- just wanted to say thanks again. I finally got to use the new mags today, and they all worked great! It was a real pleasure doing business with you.
  8. Thanks, folks. I'll try one of the Triple Ks given the lack of options. @lost vaquero -- I want to try shooting a match (or maybe just a stage or two) with it 8) Maybe Blaze would allow it for Hired Gun?
  9. I'm looking for some additional mags for a Colt Hammerless M1908 (.380). It seems they are pretty rare, but I did find the Triple K mags. Just wondering if anyone has had success with these mags. There is a guy selling original mags on GB for $300 each, but that seems a teeny bit steep. Here are the Triple Ks on Brownells: https://www.brownells.com/magazines/handgun-magazines/magazines/colt-pocket-7rd-380acp-magazine-prod71616.aspx?avs%7cManufacturer_1=TRIPLE-K Thanks for any info.
  10. The rule seems to indicate you can remove any amount of material from the standard grip profile, as long as nothing is added to the standard grip profile. So, if you take an otherwise standard grip profile and only remove material, isn't that legal, no matter the depth of cut? Rule for reference (pg 5): " A groove can be cut in the grip to facilitate the shooter reaching the magazine release, but no material may extend beyond the original profile of the grip."
  11. These guys have you covered with flinching and dipping, but here are a few things that I've noticed about myself. I don't really know what's best, but maybe these observations will give you something to think about. 1. I still miss a lot, and my biggest problem is and always has been staring at the targets. My friend Capt Sam Evans pulled me aside at WR 2019 to give me a pep talk after a bad stage, and now, every time I'm at the loading table, I rehearse unholstering and staring at the front sight a few times to get my mind right. Front sight, front sight, front sight. 2. I have seen lots of shooters canting the pistol unintentionally (me included). I don't really know what detrimental impact this has, but it seems like a bad habit, and I try to be aware of it by keeping my gangsta attitude down and the top of the slide pointing up. 3. I've never had an issue with grip, but I used to train my grip strength, so my grip might be a little stronger than average. That said, another good friend, Elwood James, showed me a grip technique that seems to work well. Instead of laying your thumb down parallel to the ground (pointing at the mag release for a RH shooter), point it up and squeeze the top of the grip with it. A RH shooter can tuck it up under the safety. When you do this, you'll feel the pressure on your bottom three fingers, and you'll feel the grip tighten considerably without feeling like you're squeezing harder. Now, all that said, I don't use this technique because it forces me to change my grip to get to the mag release, and I never could get comfortable with it. Don't forget, I miss a lot. 4. I think GJ has some great advice, but I'm not convinced one specific finger position on the trigger is always best. Pick up the gun, grip it firmly and comfortably, and see where your finger lays on the trigger. For me, the right edge of the trigger lays right in the crease on my finger. But remember, I miss a lot. 5. Did I forget anything? Oh yea, front sight. Gillyboy often tells me I need to "get aim-ie-er." I hope you enjoy the R1. I've only made minor modifications, but they seem to make a big difference. I replaced the mag release spring just recently, and it feels much crisper and lighter. I also cut a groove in the grip for my thumb to aid in reaching the mag release. Since you're a lefty, this probably doesn't help you much, but it feels much better to me.
  12. Hot dog! It looks like the Southwest Regional is October 28-31. If these dates are correct, I'll have about 24 hours to get my tookus to OKC after we clean up Bordertown 8) I may not make it that far this time, but I'll see what I can work out. Really glad to hear about this Texas match, though!
  13. Awwwwww yea! Now, can we get a big match in OKC within 2 weeks of this one? The timing is great. This is just after the AZ state CAS match that I'm helping with (not just before, like previous years). I'll try to get my dad to shoot this year in TX. Woohoo!
  14. My app has been sitting on my desk for weeks now. It's covered in coffee and other beverage stains. I guess I oughta send 'er in. BTW, for the $210 it costs to shoot CAS ($125), WBAS ($70), and to camp ($15), it's a steal. The Dixie Desperados put on one helluva show last year, and all the warmup/Plainsman/side matches are included with registration.. AND..... AND, they feed you a pretty damn good meal. Consider that -- a week's worth of good shooting and fun and food and camping for ~ $200. Whew. If you have time to get away from the range, there are many exciting areas to visit. Last year, I managed a quick hike on the plateaus west of Zion after the CAS warm-up match. This really is a great place to visit, and it should be on your top-5 list of WBAS/CAS shoots for the nation. Last year, Mokaac Kid had some kickass and challenging stages, and he added a BAMM (possibly due to my pestering)! If anyone is still wondering if BAMM is the next fun thing to try -- IT IS. I'll have my 1903a3 there with plenty of ammo for anyone who wants to try it out. Come on out, Pardners... you won't regret it.
  15. Thanks, Friends. I was pretty sure already, but I appreciate the insight.
  16. I have an opportunity to buy a really nice Ishapore 2A1 Lee-Enfield variant in 7.62 NATO. I think because it's a box magazine and was used by the Indian military starting in 1963, it won't be legal for BAMM, but thought I'd check here in case it could pass. As far as I can tell, it's identical to the earlier Enfield except that it's chambered in the more modern 7.62 NATO. This particular rifle was built in 1968 and appears to be all original. What say ye wise folks? Edit: I found a cool article describing some of the history of small arms in India: https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/176291/IAVA-IB4-small-arms-of-indian-state.pdf
  17. I've had good luck with the aluminum A-Zoom snap caps for revolvers, but I don't use any dummy rounds for dry firing my 1911. I know there are mixed opinions on it, but I've come to the conclusion that dry firing is no harder on my 1911 than live firing. However, I do try to to "ride the slide" when cycling an empty gun. The Internet told me letting the slide slam down on an empty gun can cause premature wear. /shrug Here's what I do: draw, rack the slide (not letting it slam), point, click, holster, repeat. I practice for 55 mins every hour on the hour.
  18. Is 75 shotgun a typo? Also, is 100 rifle a typo? :P Seems like a lot for 10 stages, but maybe that's part of the mystery 8) See y'all then.
  19. Thanks, EJ. My original plan was to stay in OKC and shoot the cowboy and WB monthlies and the CMP event, but I'm heading to KC now instead. I'm camped out tonight in Cibola National Forest on my way to OKC -- the M1 is greased up and ready for the jeep. Oh yea, and 50 rounds of BAMM.... that alone makes the whole trip worth it ;D
  20. I'll be in the Kansas City area with my WB gear between the OK and TX state matches, so I'm looking for a place to shoot within about 100mi of KC. Is there anything?
  21. The BAMM is ready to go. The course of fire will require 15 rounds, will be shot standing/unsupported, and includes targets between 75-150yds. Round count for the 8-stage WBAS match: 196 Pistol 54 Rifle 36 Shotgun
  22. We'll be hosting our first-ever BAMM at the Tombstone Livery during the AZ State CAS championship! The WB and BAM matches are side events for this match, but we have 8 great WBAS stages and a fun BAMM ready to go. If you're in the area, we'd love to have you come shoot with us October 22-23 at the Tombstone Livery near Tombstone, AZ. We have room for a few more folks in the WB match -- let me know if you want to pre-register. BAMM velocities are limited to 1500FPS and projectiles must be lead only (gas checks OK). I don't expect any excuses about the commute, either. I will be shooting the WBAS extravaganza at the OK and TX state matches Oct 4-6 and Oct 18-20 and then driving overnight back to Tombstone to start setting up Bordertown on the 21st.
  23. Forgotten Weapons did a really cool video explaining damascene. I'd never have enough patience to do it, but it's the real deal.
  24. I think we did it. I'll probably stop here, but I want to share my final results. This was a fun and easy experiment -- no surprises. Extra-lite seems like a pretty good powder for this application. .45 ACP Gun: Remington R1 5" Test: 7 shots Primer: Federal #150 Bullet: 230gn RN hi-tek coated (avg weight of 10 bullets was 232gn -- none weighed less than 230gn) Charge: 3.3gn Extra-lite Avg Vel: 693fps (min 689/max 697) -- very consistent PF: 159 Note: I'll probably eek this up to 3.4gn (GJ nailed it), but this is pretty good, and it is very consistent. .45 Colt Gun: Uberti 1873 18" Test: 5 shots Primer: Federal #150 Bullet: 205gn RNFP moly coated (avg weight of 10 bullets was 206gn -- none weighed less than 205gn) Charge 4.0gn Extra-lite Avg Vel: 796fps (min 774/max 828) PF: 163
  25. Thanks for the correction, Happy Jack. I didn't realize bullets were actually being pulled, but I'm glad to hear it. All the reasons you listed are exactly why I aim for 160-170 PF. I was about to ask a follow-up question about which velocities are used (single lowest, highest, average, etc.), but I found the answer in the MD handbook: "One round will have the bullet pulled and weighted. Then, the remaining four rounds will be fired over the chronograph. The average velocity of the three fastest recorded rounds will be used to calculate power factor. A minimum of two readings on the chronograph will be necessary to determine power factor. If fewer than two velocities are recorded, new samples must be collected and the ammunition retested."
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