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C.N. Double

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  1. I did not find pistol and shotgun targets at 3-5yds fun, and I don't feel the drive down from Tucson was worth it for a match like that. I still like to shoot some local matches to support the folks around here that put them on, but this mindset of bringing all the targets in that close has got to go. It's not safe, and it's not fun. No shade to Zona -- he puts on quality, well thought-out matches, but let's put the targets out further.
  2. I'm shopping for a new Modern 1911, and the model I've mostly settled on does not have front strap checkering from the factory. I think I'd prefer to have the front strap checkered, so I'm looking at "drop in" solutions to test it out. Are products like the Wilson Combat checkered panels or skateboard tape (tucked under the grip panels) allowed under SASS rules? These are not "wrap around" grips. Bonus question: For all you folks who are no longer sanctioned, would this solution be allowed as "front strap checkering" at your clubs for big matches?
  3. I'm planning on it. I'm guessing the places I like to travel to and shoot the most will keep doing what they've been doing, so I'm not worried about finding great matches to shoot. It seems like some folks really do want bigger closer targets and simpler sequences, and that's fine, but it's those qualities that make CAS boring for me, so I don't shoot it much any more. If sanctioned WBAS matches are moving in that direction, those aren't matches I'll return to. I have no issue with Misty pandering to her members in an effort to make money -- it's a business after all. However, it does seem kind of dirty how she has treated the volunteers who have done so much work to make WBAS what it is (or was). I'm not much of a leader, but I'm an OK soldier, and I'll be glad to support those ambassadors and other volunteers who want to keep building and shooting a game like yesterday's Wild Bunch.
  4. I've resigned from my role as WBAS Wire admin/moderator (I didn't really do much anyway). Thank you to all the ambassadors who have made and tried to keep this game great. I prefer a competitive, fun, and challenging shooting sport, but it seems Misty is now taking WBAS in a different direction. Looks like EoT 2024 might be my last SASS Wild Bunch™ match.
  5. I prefer a buckle for a display case, but the nice buckles should only be for the top shooters. Too many less-nice buckles/awards reduce their value and meaning. I like what Jorge described. I've never been a fan of the state/region/national champion being someone other than the top shooter in the category. Why does it matter where the shooter resides? I've been on both sides of it, and it's always strange. If you travel to my state and whoop me, you oughta get the accolades for doing so.
  6. I'm purdy excited you're offering Doughboy and Teddy Roosevelt as main match divisions. I used up all my large rifle primers getting ready for it \m/
  7. Thanks for confirming. My calendar shows October 23rd is a Monday, but I suppose it could just be the heat 🌶️
  8. Is this a 4-day match (Fri-Mon), or will the festivities wrap up on October 22nd (Sunday)? I just called Lady Jane to ask a different question, but I forgot to confirm the dates with her. I figured others here might be wondering the same thing.
  9. Yea, I was approaching an ES of 100 in my tests with the 200gn bullet too. I suspect the heavier bullet might help build more pressure and allow a more consistent burn. The crimp was the same for both bullets in my tests. Primers were Federal LPP for the Colt loads. I think I have a bag of 250gn RNFP I received as a door prize, so maybe I'll try those to see how they stack up.
  10. I've been working on my own loads for .45 Colt and .45ACP with Clean Shot. I'm not sure I'll pursue a .45 Colt load with Clean Shot, but here are my results so far... Weather: Sunny, 95deg F, ~30% humidity Chrono: Competition Electronics ProChrono Pal (new battery) **Minimum PF calculated on avg of lowest 3 velocities .45 Colt (18" rifle) *bullets seated to crimp groove Primer: Federal LPP Charge: 5.6gn Clean Shot Bullet: 205gn Bear Creek (moly coated) Velocities: 693,707,694,687,652 ES: 55 Avg: 687 Min PF: 139 Charge: 5.6gn Clean Shot Bullet: 200gn Cimarron (hi-tek coated) Velocities: 769,699,721,718,686 ES: 83 Avg: 719 Min PF: 140 Charge: 5.8gn Clean Shot Bullet: 205gn Bear Creek (moly coated) Velocities: 719,706,702,711,699 ES: 20 Avg: 707 Min PF: 144 Charge: 5.8gn Clean Shot Bullet: 200gn Cimarron (hi-tek coated) Velocities: 733,826,756,817,759 ES: 93 Avg: 778 Min PF: 150 .45ACP (5" pistol) *bullets seated to 1.19" OAL (bullet ogive will not permit a longer OAL in my pistol) Bullet: 230gn Hogleg (hi-tek coated) Charge: 4.0gn Clean Shot Primer: Ginex LPP Velocities: 688,687,678,689,697,691,695 ES: 19 Avg: 689 Min PF: 157 Charge: 4.0gn Clean Shot Primer: Federal LPP Velocities: 682,680,684,686,668,668,668 ES: 18 Avg: 677 Min PF: 154 Charge: 4.2gn Clean Shot Primer: Ginex LPP Velocities: 724,733,723,709,732,735,730 ES: 26 Avg: 727 Min PF: 165 Charge: 4.2gn Clean Shot Primer: Federal LPP Velocities: 716,721,725,709,721,707 ES: 18 Avg: 717 Min PF: 163
  11. I processed 400 pieces of .30-06 brass this week to get ready for this match (and Land Run) -- looking forward to everything you're offering. What are the specifics on the Bootlegger and Audie Murphy stages? IIRC, Audie Murphy uses M1 Carbine for the rifle, and I assume Bootlegger uses the Thompson. Would there be any use for a modern PCC?
  12. I made a mistake loading some new 230gn bullets, and I'm looking for advice on how to best resolve it. The profile on these new bullets is different than what I was using before, and the loaded cartridge won't chamber because the bullet is hitting the lands. If I re-seat the bullets down from 1.24" OAL to 1.20, they feed fine, but the re-seating process scrapes a ring of lead off the bullet (see below). I can easily scrape the lead off the cartridge, but I'm concerned about leading the barrel if I shoot these. I have about 300 of these to fix. Would you pull them all and start over, or just shoot them and plan to scrub the barrel? I'll just use this batch for monthly matches either way, and I'm not concerned about pressures increasing as I'm still well within published loading data. Thanks for any advice.
  13. I tried the online app about a month ago, but I couldn't tell if it ever went through, and I didn't see any way to pay online. I just mailed the paper app in this week. Looking forward to it!
  14. Thanks, Artemus! I looked all over the website, but I didn't see any reference to the app. Looking forward to this match as well as yours.
  15. I noticed the Powder Creek Cowboys put a state/annual match on their calendar Sep 2-3. Does anyone have any additional info about this match? I'm not sure if any of those folks frequent the WBAS Wire.
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