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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

marshal stone

WBAS Territorial Governors
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Everything posted by marshal stone

  1. Check with Unique-Tec. they were selling them at one time. Marshal Stone
  2. Shootout at Moose Nugget Flats was this past weekend. Congrats to our winners Flaco Joe Men's Modern and overall Champion Chilkoot Nellie Ladies Modern and Ladies Champion Marshal Stone Traditional Champion Marshal Stone
  3. Springfield mil-spec is a great Traditional Wild Bunch pistol. Marshal Stone
  4. Am I the only one that thinks this could be done better? Lots of folks. You just have to convince Happy Jack and the Wild Bunch. Good luck with that. Marshal Stone
  5. When you go to the rules tab on the WB website look at the one dated Jan. 2019 Marshal Stone
  6. Great video. Good job Skinny. Marshal Stone
  7. Are we going to be able to shoot Wild Bunch on Wed. during Cowboy Warm-up or are they going to cut into Fire and Ice? This years match was one of the most stress free WB match matches I've shot. Great job, looking forward to see what you come up with for next year. Marshal Stone
  8. Chance; My comment was directly in reference to your last post. How many years now have we been promised an update and a specific site for WB and the promotion of same. Marshal Stone
  9. Because we are still the "RED HEADED STEP CHILD" of SASS. Headquarters have been making promises to us for several years that they never fulfill. Marshal Stone
  10. If we went BACK to just the handbook and Match Director's guide it would solve a lot of this confusion. Trying to 'splain the 'splaining is where these issues come from. Marshal Stone
  11. What powder bar are you using with Trail Boss? Have a friend that was having the spill over problem. Switched from the small to the large bar and problem of spill over went away. YMMV. Marshal Stone
  12. Howdy; Cowtown has WB matches. The craziest ones are put on by Wild Bodie Tom. LOL Marshal Stone
  13. Sorry I wasn't more specific. Thanks GJ for the direct link. Marshal Stone
  14. If you are wondering, like I was, of who's coming and how many in each category it can now be found under the events tab. I emailed Misty about this on Fri. and it's already taken care of. Thank you Misty and Amber. Marshal Stone PS; wish someone knew how to move this to the Wild Bunch Wire.
  15. That's the way other shooting sports do it. Maintains a cold range until the RO gives the above command at the first shooting position. Are we ready for this? Not sure but as Happy Jack pointed out in the thinking process for the, hopefully, not to distant future. Marshal Stone
  16. Anyone using Unique for their WB loads. The loads I've been finding in the load manuals is way hotter than needed. As in PF of 199 for 45 ACP using 230's and the lowest load 45 Colt 250 gr. bullet out of a 7 1/2 vaquero was PF of 235. I know there are better powder choices so lets not go there. I'm trying to help out one of my shooters who is new to reloading and bought an old red round can of Unique at a gun show when another shooter said to him "you really need to buy that" Marshal Stone
  17. Far superior to some of the previous matches. Great job by Black Jack Zac who wrote the stages and ran them by Boggus Outstanding collaboration between them. Looking forward to seeing what they come up with next year. Marshal Stone
  18. Glad to hear Boggus Deal is the match director this year, (I think lol) Should make for an interesting match with that twisted mind of his. Definitely won't be Cowboy with a 1911 like last year. Really looking forward to the match. See everyone soon for some fun in the sun. Marshal Stone
  19. I know at least three if not all four members of the rules committee support the current scoring method. Marshal Stone
  20. If we are going to stay with the stage point scoring, as much as it pains me to say so, I think we need to consider doing away with the so called "overall" winners. This is were the "anomalies" appear to come in. Two cases in point, 1. a third place finisher in category wins overall for that gender. 2. the second place finisher in another category finished 3 positions ahead of the category winner in the overall. It is confusing the hell out of a lot of people how this can happen. It's like we are using two different scoring methods, one in category and another for overall. Marshal Stone
  21. Very interesting video. What a waste of a good gun that just by cutting the barrel down would have made a great Wild Bunch gun. Marshal Stone
  22. The ambassador for that region is Idaho Sixgun Sam. E-mail her at sixgunsam@cableone.net Marshal Stone
  23. That top row looks a little short. Better fill it up so it balances and is not too heavy on one end. lol See ya soon. Marshal Stone
  24. Hey Boggus; The new toy gonna be ready for WR. Look forward to seeing and shooting with you and Lady Jane. Marshal Stone
  25. Barbwire already has my application. Hope that doesn't scare anyone off. lol Marshal Stone
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