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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Nawlins Kid

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Everything posted by Nawlins Kid

  1. We have paired down to three. Loco Poco Lobo shoots a Colt Series 70 and I shoot a Springfield Mil Spec. Also have a Springfield RO just in case either one of wants to shoot modern. Happy New Year!!!! Nawlins Kid
  2. JJ, I'm glad that this post is helping you and hopefully others. Nawlins
  3. At 6’4 I have large hands with long fingers. To the op, you might want to also ask about trigger length in your survey as they also play a part in how well or poorly you can operate your 1911. So let's add in long or short trigger . Also how about large or small hands. I'm think this could be good information for new shooters. Nawlins
  4. I have read that for shooting one hand ( traditional ) the 1911 should have a flat MSH. Nawlins
  5. A little survey on which type ( flat or ached) of mainspring housing that is on your WB 1911 's and your reason for your choice? Nawlins
  6. Loco Poco Lobo and I would like to congratulate Renegade Roper and her crew for putting a very good NY State Match. The match had 60 + shooters. The stages where fast and challenging. Looking forward to next year's match!!!!! Nawlins Kid
  7. I would like to thank Renege Roper and her committee for on putting on a very good NY state WB match. The stages were well written,. They very competitive but also written in a way that whatever the skill level of the shooter they were able to shoot the stage!!!! Looking forward to next year (hopefully without the Chinese virus) so that King Cuomo will not limit the match to 50 shooters. Nawlins & LPL
  8. Howdy, Are there any local clubs around Philadelphia PA. shooting WB matches? Nawlins
  9. Thanks, looking forward to seeing the both of you!!! See you soon. Nawlins
  10. We had 9 new and 12 renewal of certifications this past Saturday. A good portion of this class will either be hosting or attending the upcoming NY State Wild Bunch Championship "Muster at Fort Misery". A special thanks to Ruger for donating gun cleaning cloths and hats! It is not too late to get your application in. Don't delay and send it in today! Here is the link: http://www.circlekregulators.com/forms/2019/MusterApplication.pdf A photo of our class and us in our Ruger hats are attached. Loco Poco Lobo & Nawlins Kid Northeast Region Wild Bunch Ambassadors
  11. Nawlins Kid & Loco Poco Lobo will hold a Wild Bunch Range Officer class in Pelham New Hampshire at the Great Nor-easter Regional match on Wednesday July 25. The class will start at 12:00 PM Before the class, please read the SASS WB Handbook and RO Manual (direct links are below): http://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/handbooks/SASS%20WBAS%20Handbook%20Vers%2011_4.pdf http://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/handbooks/WB%20RO_Manual%2011_5_1%20%20012718.pdf Cost is $30 for first time people to qualify for WB RO. Qualification renewals are $0, but new RO pins are $5. What should you bring to class? • Note taking materials (paper and pens/pencils) • NO firearms or ammunition to the class The training course consists of a presentation, multiple-choice test, and a practical test. All the test answers are in the WBAS Handbook, so we emphasize that you read and understand the Handbook before the class. The training can take up to 6 hours (depending on students and questions), but we will take breaks as needed. To sign up for the class or any questions about the class please contact us at wb1911@rochester.rr.com Nawlins Kid & Loco Poco Lobo WBAS Ambassadors
  12. I just purchased this from E- Bay and it works great for loading the 1911 mags.. LPL likes it a lot especially now that we are loading 7 in the mag!!! RangeTray “Thumbless” Magazine Speed Loader for the 1911 .45 Single Stack Mags It’s the fifth one down on the page at $ 12.45 Go to their website and watch the video on how to use it and they also have loaders for different pistols I'm not affiliated or get any compensation from Range Tray. Nawlins
  13. It was our pleasure to come down to teach the class. Speaking of snow we are finally getting some rain today which should melt any remaining snow that we have. Looking forward to seeing you and rest of the shooters in the class in Oct. at the Mason-Dixon. Nawlins
  14. We had a great bunch of folks taking the class from three different states. So congratulations to all the new Wild Bunch RO certified range officers. Nawlins
  15. Howdy, We still have room for more students for the WB RO class. Nawlins
  16. Does your club have time before or after have time to let folks shoot some WB stages? Nawlins
  17. They put on a great match and their hospitality is second to none!!!!! Nawlins
  18. I would like to congratulate Roy Cassidy and the Circle K Regulators for putting on a great match. Sixty one shooters had fun and challenging stages to shoot. I'm looking forward to next year's match. Great Job!!!! Nawlins
  19. And thank you Roy for putting on one heck of a match!!! Nawlins
  20. It's in the August edition. I purchased mine at the Tractor Supply store. They have stores in a lot of different states. Nawlins
  21. It supposed to be the new edition that just came out. I called around here and was told they are expecting it by the end of the week. Nawlins
  22. WB is now featured in a national magazine. This past April at the New York WB State match a writer from the magazine came to match to write a article on WB. He came both days taking pictures and interviewing the shooters. When I had my conversation with him he told it would be a very positive article and it was. Two thumbs up for American Cowboy Magazine for featuring one of the best shooting sports around. Nawlins
  23. Allie, I use a piece of blue painter tape on the stock. Since I shoot a hammered SxS for cowboy the blue tape tells me its the model 12. Nawlins
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