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Texas 2020 Wild Bunch State Championship

Friday November 13,2020

Gates open 8:00 a.m.

8:15 registration and chronograph

9:00 Behold The greatest side matches ever devised!

Prepare to be amazed and entertained!

BAMM bolt action military match featuring the snipers nest and combat 20 cartridges for both.

Doughboy 10 rifle cartridges 14 pistol

GAMM garand Action Military Match 8 cartridges

Introducing G.I.Joe using the garand with 16 cartridges and the 45 auto 14 cartridges.

Texas 30 most hits on seven plates with the 1911 in 30 seconds wins

Popgun pocket pistol using 7 cartridges.

Trench sweep get out the trench broom and plenty of shells. This side

match is a hoot! About a box of shotgun shells and some way to carry them.

Saturday November 14,2020


9:00 flag presentation,prayer,safety

6 Wild Bunch stages

12:45 lunch

2:00 side match awards. Working costume awards. prize drawings

3:00 PCC4ME semiautomatic carbine pistol caliber.Two classes optics or iron.2 magazines minimum.75 cartridges if it’s shot clean on both stages

Sunday November 15,2020

9:00 flag,prayer

6 main stages of wild Bunch

12:45 lunch

1:45 awards presentation.



Pistol 329

Rifle. 45

Shotgun 50 and a way to carry several extra shotgun shells.

“Shotgun shell belt would be good for Trench Sweep”

Chronograph all day Friday and Saturday if needed

  • 3 weeks later...
LL, wish you could have made it. We completed our best wild bunch match that we have ever had a hand in doing. We had great side matches, a 12 stage main match with lots of movement lots of targets and not one dump target in sight. We shot one stage around cover another shots had to be made thru a pallet wall slats. We had dueling trees,falling plate racks,  11 1/2” squares on chain, target engagement areas (TEA) from 8 to 18 yards. We used barrels to put rifles and shotguns in to have full use of the range in front of us. A prize table stacked with nearly 2000.00 worth of great things including a full Kirkpatrick wild bunch rig! To top it all off shooting gallery tv show was interviewing Evil Roy and they came out to the range on Friday and Saturday and did a bunch of filming of our side matches and main match on Saturday! If that’s not enough we also had a pcc match Saturday evening to relax after the main match. Sunday we shot 6 more great stages awarded trophies and called it a day.

Dusty, the 2020 Texas State WB Match sounds like a winner!


The Texas Doughboys Wild Bunch Action shooting Club is one to join.  Are you accepting membership applications yet?  I'm ready to send a $25 bill your way! 


Couple of things the Texas Doughboys are really proud of.

10 ladies shooting WB with us! Plus one more signed up.

40 actual shooters with a total of 48 registered(last year 30)

TEA stands for target engagement area. ( this really helped with all the movement)

Using the food grade barrels staked to the ground to place used long guns in. ( helped with

So much forward movement etc.) called it pickle as in “ pickle the shotgun” worked awfully slick.  Dusty B


Dusty, I am SO GLAD you used barrels to discard a long gun. I had tried for 3 years to get it at EOT but the Wild Bunch said NO !!!

They didn't think plastic barrels was in keeping with the "Old West Look".  They were adamant. I said it was about safety not looks. They didn't care. Keep up the good work.

HJ, thank you sir. As for the barrels being to modern. We solved that by a trip to the local harbor freight  we bought 4x15 painters canvas tarps for 10.00 and cut them in half. Took a trash can rubber band to hold them wrapped around the can. Instant old west!  Dusty
I think another part of it was the "old guard" having a total aversion to discarding a long gun muzzle down. The modern clubs that use Founders Ranch use regular blue barrels to discard long guns.  The WB weren't even interested in a MGM discard rack that Boggus brought to demonstrate. Maybe the new "advisors" will be more open to newer ideas???  Anyway I'm through fighting with the whole bunch after 11 years. Time for new blood to take over.

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