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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

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After reading the WB guidelines/contract, am wondering if there is any possibility to holding a two state Wild Bunch match.  Wyoming does not have a Wild Bunch organization/match (never has) and the WB shooters would like to be recognized/included in Colorado's (Pawnee Station @ Nunn, Colorado) state match this year. So my question is: can Wyoming and Colorado hold a combined WYCOLO State Wild Bunch match?

TriggerHappy Ted


YES, you can.    We, Illinois, held a 3 state WB match with Indiana and Kentucky last year.  However, no one from Indiana or Kentucky showed up.  So, this year, I offered the same deal and offered to let Indiana and Kentucky shooters keep the money in their state if a club in that state applied for the SASS WB state match and we would hold it in conjunction with Illinois.  AGAIN, no one showed any interest.

SO, to answer your question, YES you can.

Good Luck and thanks for trying to promote WB!

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