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BD, that's about as far back as a 1911 can be started ....if you don't dig the ore yourself.....

;DBD, the guessing game.......

Your right handed

You conceal carry

Compact automatic is the weapon of choice

Am I close? ;D ;D ;D

Yes my blue jeans wear out exactly the same way!  Dusty Boddams

Boggus, good luck on that project. The man who taught me the little machining I know (and have forgotten almost all of it) was an absolute genius mold and die maker. He was a warrant officer in WWII and as such wasn't issued a weapon. He made his own 1911 from scratch except for the barrel which he scrounged. Said it was the hardest job he ever did. I recall him saying there was one cut he couldn't do on a mill or lathe and had to use a shaper. Of course with CNC and EDM machines now it will be easier but still pretty difficult I imagine. hope to see you at SHOT.
I recall him saying there was one cut he couldn't do on a mill or lathe and had to use a shaper.


Mmmmm, that would be the trigger ways, I would suppose.    Even the mag well is a long reach for a mill.




I recall him saying there was one cut he couldn't do on a mill or lathe and had to use a shaper.


Mmmmm, that would be the trigger ways, I would suppose.    Even the mag well is a long reach for a mill.

Trigger track and magwell are the easy machining. And you wouldn't use a mill.

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