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FJT had some good comments in the WB-EOT thread.

I always expected that State level and above, certainly National or EOT matches to be challenging.  In the past, the ones that I have competed in, they had their challenges, some more than others.  After most "Big" Wild Bunch matches, I am mentally fatigued.  I, and I have heard others say, that Wild Bunch is more fatiguing and difficult that Cowboy Action, and that the latter seem easier after a Wild Bunch match.

More targets, more difficult targets, more control needed for the firearms due to the Power factor,  more brass to retrieve, and more movement on tough stages have made it more challenging.  Then you add in more equipment/ammo failures and often more penalties to add to the situation.  Challenges abound.

Perhaps for some, these aspects are too daunting; some want to be entertained with less of the above.

It will be interesting to see how having a challenging shooting sport can mesh with having an entertaining shooting sport.

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Well, it is called Wild Bunch ACTION SHOOTING! If I want entertainment, I’ll turn on the movie and watch it.
For me the fun is in the challenge. Figuring out how I can shoot a stage to the best of my abilities. What can I do to better myself. 
I’ve said for years that WBAS isn’t for everyone. Neither is benchrest shooting, NASCAR racing or brain surgery. 

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