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As a Wild bunch Shooter, would you rather attend a "Stand Alone" State Wild Bunch match or rather attend a State Wild Bunch Match held in conjunction with a State Cowboy Action Shoot?  What say you Wild Bunch Shooters?
Just one man's opinion but as long as we hold them in conjunction with another match, Wild Bunch will always be a side match and never grow like it should. I would like to see separate state, national and world championships. As at EOT this year, with it held a complete weekend before the cowboy match, there will be a low turnout because it will mean taking off more work for most people. At least at Winter Range, both matches are within the same week. 

I like state-level WB held separate from the state C'boy match - I can get to each one independently and it does not take a club with both areas of expertise to do the combo.  There are very few willing to even TRY the combo.


I like regional and bigger event, when I've got to do a lot of traveling and setting up, as an all-together combo.  But then, I am devoted to shooting both.  This does limit the venues that are competent at doing the combo match, though.


A different (maybe better) schedule for EOT this year might have been WB AFTER the C'boy match.  Mon-Tues-Wed.  And do a separate Awards ceremony Wed afternoon.


Good luck, GJ


I wouldn't mind it being held in conjunction with a state cowboy match if the WBAS match was on the weekend and the cowboy match was on weekdays.  As it is, when the state wild bunch match is held with another match, we suck the hind tit.  As the Boggus said, just another side match.  My vote is for a stand alone match.




I'm new to WB, but recently shot some monthly matches which were stand alone in one state, and a 'mini' 3 stage WB match held in conjunction with a large two day CAS match in another state.  The independent monthly matches were fun and challenging; targets were frequently smaller and farther out than CAS matches, there was more movement, numerous flyers (which weren't bonuses!) and a  more complex shooting order.  I enjoyed it very much and it fit what I've been told WB should be. 

The combined match, on the other hand, used the same big and close targets as the CAS match, in fairly simplistic shooting orders.  No flyers of any kind and  not much movement, just like those stages were for the CAS match.  It felt like CAS with 1911, alas, and I won't be going back.  Now if a place wishes to hold a big CAS and WB match the same week, but use completely different stages, with the WB ones being more appropriately challenging, I think that would be ok, at least for me.  (I can see myself going to the WB match alone and skipping the typical big and close CAS match altogether.)  Otherwise, I vote for stand alone WB.


Sacramento Johnson,

Your observations are a correct.  As MD for the Wild Bunch side match for our local club's annual match I had to realize that the shooters were not regular WBAS shooters.  They were CAS shooters who wanted to have fun shooting the side match.  Most were not regular WBAS shooters and they definitely were not there for the "challenge."  So the stages are written and the targets placed accordingly.  The last thing I wanted was to frustrate them and maybe a fun match would entice them to become more interested in shooting a bigger WBAS match.



Hi Folks,


I chose in combination and that is the way it will be done in CA this year for the State WBAS and SASS matches. Even if it were not my home venue, I think that maximizes my travel dollars.


We've tried it in combo with our annual and the weekend before with a three day break. This time there will be a one day break, which gives folks time to dump and replenish, go sightseeing or whatever. It seems no way is perfect for everyone. I like the way the Western Regional does it best. WBAS is one day (then it is only a side match there) on Wednesday, Side Matches Thursday (I shoot Plainsman only), main match Friday and Saturday, shoot off Sunday.


I'm retired, so it is more a matter of replenishing and dumping the trailer, than the time spent.





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