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Happy Jack

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  1. More time is wasted on mag changes than anything else in WBAS. Don't take the gun too far down from the line of sight and practise with your eyes CLOSED. You have to feel the change to get it right. Watch shooters, most have the gun in a lowered position and canted when changing magazines. Both are time wasters. Many change the position from mag change to mag change, they don't know where they have the gun and have to look for it. GOOD LUCK.
  2. Like Boggus, I have used springs from many suppliers, but recently have gone with a lot of Springco. We are lucky to have Boggus to take care of a lot of problems with Wild Bunch guns. With the loss of Bodie and Goatneck in recent years he is one of the few who specializes in Wild Bunch guns. He is VERY good with them.
  3. Before the stroke which left me with a bad right hand and arm (and I haven't got rid of any guns) I might be able to shoot again it's only been 3 years in March. 1. Usually a Kimber super match. but occasionally one of my many Colts. 2. Somewhere between 15 -20. When I was dealing in them I usually had 150 + at all times. 3. Kimber Ultra CDP in 45acp (an old one I bought when they were first introduced) fired thousands of rounds NEVER failed. 4. Started shooting one in the late 50's. Carried one for work in the 60s. Didn't compete with one until the late 60's.
  4. DOC 12379 3.8 grains of WST may be a little light to make PF . Most use 4.0 or 4.1 to make a little room over PF in case they test with a cheap chrono and it is a bit off.
  5. In the "early days" when we first set up Wild Bunch we followed the target mfgrs. recommendation on distances. We set pistol targets at 10-12 yds. SG targets at 12-15 yds and rifle at close to 20 yds. It was a lot of fun. Aparently what is fun has changed but the lawyers haven't.
  6. I am a left handed shooter and one of the things I LOVE about the 1911 design is that mag release is on the left side. As for your question: Changing the mag release to the right side has Always been ILLEGAL. With the new management who knows what the future may being.
  7. I guess since there is no longer a committee to settle nor is there a spokesman to say what the position is this it may be up to the WBAS TG's to settle. A sorry state.🤢
  8. Many years ago I brought this up to Texas Jack Morales and he said it was ILLEGAL, HOWEVER, I don't think we officially addressed it in the rules. With the new administration I have no idea officially, but I think it would be allowed.
  9. Wow, an ES of 100?? Thats terrible. An accident waiting to happen.
  10. I will agree with Deacon on mostly things, the only one I will comment on is magazines. They have changed a lot in recent years. McCormick was bought by Wilson and by far the most widely used by pro shooters and best magazines currently available for 1911s are the cobra mags from Tripp Research. Don't get me wrong I have had good results from Wilson, McCormick, real Colt, and Actmag, but I only shoot cobra mags anymore.
  11. While clearing long guns "on the line" has some appeal I doubt it will be approved for major matches. SASS makes the final decisions on rule changes for WBAS and the Unloading table is a sacred cow for them.
  12. 1911 "smiths" are a dime a dozen ???? There are a lot of gunsmiths, but VERY few 1911 pistol smiths. Bogus deal is one.
  13. The only gunsmith I know of who turns a 45 Colt into a 45ACP is Cody Connager. I think he still does them.
  14. I'm left handed too. The reverse magazine release is NOT allowed. THE safety is allowed.
  15. Schoen, since you haven't posted your location we don't know who to refer you to. SASS TG's have NO affiliation with the WBAS rules. CAS and WBAS are two completely different sports. Both operated under the SASS umbrella. WBAS has regional Ambassadors who act similarly to CAS TG's.
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