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Abilene last won the day on July 8 2024

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  1. Please don't use SPP 45acp brass in a wild bunch match. The way the 1911's fling brass all over the place, others WILL get some of your brass. If you absolutely must, then: 1. Mark your brass with a heavy sharpie mark across the bottom or even across the sides if possible, and 2. Let your posse know what you are shooting and how you marked it. Thank you.
  2. I haven't been to this forum in a while. In 2019 V-V powders were darned expensive. These days they seem to have held their price pretty well while many others have gone way up and passed it! Hodgdon seems to still be reasonable.
  3. Thanks very much GJ. If I take them to the meet, I'll just put a "free" sign on it. 🙂 I have no recollection where I got them, just looking through my old junque.
  4. Okay, I'm really ignorant of BAMM rifles and the like. I found an ammo can with 11 clips of 30-06 brass. A few of the shells I pried out had a couple numbers and a couple letters on the headstamp, but one was Rem-UMC 30-06. Is this stuff useful or worth anything? If so, even if I need to give it away, I was going to take it to the swap meet before Comancheria Days soon. Thanks.
  5. The TTN '97's (and later, Cimarron) are supposed to be same threads as Winchester. Those parts would be even harder to find than Norinco/IAC, but Cimarron may have some (I know they used to). There are no parts lists online, though, you would have to call them.
  6. Flat. I have small hands. I've never shot anything but flat, which points properly. So if it ain't broke... ...and I think flat looks better. :)
  7. I have only owned two government size 1911's, the nickled Cimarron Armscor I bought for WB and the high polish blue version I bought as a backup (that was the excuse. I wanted both). I bought them because of the original style 1911 frame and period slide markings. I'm not that good of a shooter or magazine changer, but my guns never seem to malfunction other than a couple of my mags don't drop free. The sights are okay for me but others might find them too small.
  8. Gracias, Amigos!
  9. Joe, thank you very much for that detailed answer. I know considerably less about 1911's than single-actions. And I only just recently finally got Kunhausen's SAA book. I should get the 1911 book. As for blackening, that might be hard on an a shiny all black pistol. Silver sharpie maybe? But then, I think you pointed out the culprit as a loose extractor, since it failed that rather simple test. By the way, I've only shot this gun in two small matches, 182 rounds total through it. So I rather doubt that extractor is going to tighten up with break in. The older nickle gun has only 2294 rounds through it, still pretty new. It passed the extractor shake test and was noticeably tighter to the touch.
  10. Howdy. My 2 WB 1911's are both Cimarrons made by Armscor. The older model ejects to my right rear, but the newer one throws many forward of the line (and often lost as a result). Both guns are stock. Does this indicate extractor adjustment is needed?
  11. Yeehaa! Hopefully I can make this one!
  12. I know primers are the biggest item to be sold out and hard to find, but other reloading components have been hard to find as well. Just FYI, Natchez Shooting Supply has lots of powders in stock. I've been happy with my W231 for 45acp but with so many touting WST I wanted to give it a go. They have WST in stock in 1, 4, 8 lbs. I usually buy locally to avoid hazmat and shipping, so got the 8 pounder to spread it out.
  13. Perhaps you could use a cartridge checker. Seems like if they fit that then should fit any chamber. Got any factory rounds you could check? A Lee FCD might make your reloads fit.
  14. Thin grips or groove grips won't help me, thumb too short. So off-hand index finger it is!
  15. My hands are small and using my right hand thumb to release the mag is way too much gun shifting, so I hit the mag release with the index finger of my left hand, which is holding the next magazine. If I pushed the release then went to the belt for a mag it would be slower.
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