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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Brother King

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Everything posted by Brother King

  1. I liked the WB match. The first day for me was a zoo as I had a mag/ ammo/ 1911 problem that didn't get sorted out until the 5th stage. Then I had a good 2nd day...well, decent anyway for WB standards- 6 misses- traditional w/ avg hi 50's. So read this with a cloud of disappointment that a 2nd at Fire & Ice came with a head plant at WR. That said I liked the 'start any where- any gun'. I liked that the targets were all 'hittable'. I thought mixing up the S/G was a great idea. I remain disappointed that the rifle is still just a pistol with a longer sight radius. Shotguns are for moving targets and just slamming round after round through it at 10 yds is boring in the extreme. But, changing those things would add MORE difficulty. I'm glad that the days of 25-40 misses are gone- I hope forever. Still...ONE clean match? Seriously, that's not good enough.... AND I know that when first designed targets weren't even meant to be as close as they were. Finally, the WBAS IS GROWING. Let's shoot 12 stages and do it over 2 full days. We don't need no stinking side matches. Screw that.. people were bone tired and would be more tired if we did 6/ day.. plus, I wondered around until almost 2:30 trying to discover where the side matches were being held and finally had to go as I was MC at the Classic Cowboy dinner.
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