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Buckshot Bear

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Everything posted by Buckshot Bear

  1. Look what a good friend surprised me with yesterday at our monthly WB match in the carpark whilst Jenorado and I were unpacking our cart. A hand made, lined with tanned kangaroo skin, customised with a tooled bear, 1911 holster for my SR Ruger which up unto yesterday I had been making do using my single action holster. Thank you Rusty for handcrafting this for me, you bowled me over with this kind and generous gift yesterday ๐Ÿฅฐ
  2. As far as I know they still do (called the Self-loading pistol 9mm Mark 3) I hated it as it always bit me on the web of the hand enough to bleed badly.
  3. I'm currently using my single action holster.
  4. Cheap 1911 Holsters suitable for WB What's folks thoughts on these? https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1594606213/1911-holster-5-inch-or-425-inch?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=1911&ref=sr_gallery-1-8&frs=1&sca=1&sts=1&organic_search_click=1 Or this - https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/613792089/western-leather-wild-bunch-style-holster?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=1911&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&cns=1&sts=1&organic_search_click=1
  5. Thanks GJ, appreciated very much mate I have printed that out.
  6. I have Brian Enos 'Slide Glide' greases in light, medium and heavy plus lots of different gun oils. What places on a 1911 to use grease vs oil? Any lubing hints would be appreciated. First 1911 I've owned.
  7. Appreciated GJ ๐Ÿ‘
  8. Shot WB/SA last Sunday and the day was very o'cast and we were under half cover. A mate of mine was using WST 4.0gr under 230gr pill. I didn't watch every shot he fired, but quite a few times when I was watching him I saw some sparks flying out maybe 2' feet, just enough to notice that here were a couple of sparks. Was that just because it was o'cast? I don't remember seeing sparks before (except for some very underloaded 12g rounds).
  9. Made our day reading that. Please give Ellie a hello and best wishes from us both.
  10. Hope all is well mate with Ellie, been sending kind thoughts your ways.
  11. Just wanted to update - Thanks a bunch all......went to the range today and came home super happy with zero loading, feeding, ejection issues! Cheers fella's and a Safe, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you all.
  12. Thanks Eyesa and GJ. Appreciate all the advice.
  13. Measured the two pills that I have and also their length so fully understand now how the reloading manuals OAL's are meaningless if they don't tell you the pill. Got the crimp good now. Loaded round are going in easy and dropping straight out of the case gauge and pistol barrel and I can turn them with my fingers in the barrel. Did put some Hornady locking rings on the Dillon dies, made things easier for me. Its all fun.......just hot in the shed in the middle of Summer!!!
  14. Thanks GJ for taking the considerable time to type that reply out to me. I have copied it and printed it out and put it in my reloading folder (there's a few things in there from you now ๐Ÿ™‚ ) and reading it has clarified the things that had me baffled. Super appreciated mate!
  15. Recommended OAL using 230gn Projectiles and WST, started Googling and jeez there's a whole lot of differing opinions. For the popular and soft shooting WB load of 230gn pill and 3.8 - 4.0 load of WST what's your recommended OAL? 1.260 and loaded rounds ejected on my SR1911 hang up and get caught, 1.250 load and fire OK but Hogdon say 1.200 below. If you load (and this is something I don't understand and would appreciate and explanation) at OAL of 1.200 and your rifling starts at say 1.250 what happens when the pill jumps across that .50"??? I know I'm asking a few questions lately and appreciate the replies all.
  16. Thanks GJ, always a pleasure mate to read and take in and absorb a response from you. You certainly have helped me many times both here and on the Single Action Forum and its very appreciated.
  17. Thanks all appreciate the advice. I've loaded for a lot of calibers over 40+ years and .44-40 and now .45auto have been the two that have made me feel like a total novice. Been so busy with Christmas and its blisteringly hot down here so I haven't been able to spend long stretches in my reloading room. Put the Dillon crimp die back in and found and followed this setup suggestion and I think I have it nailed. Reading heaps....it seems .468 is the crimp to aim for with lead pills? I have noticed that using a kinetic hammer on a dummy round loaded using the Dillon crimp take a LOT more whacking to remove the pill than one loaded using the Lee FCD?
  18. Newish to loading .45acp on my Dillon Xl650. Just installed the conversion kit and dies, not getting the greatest reliability in the final Dillon crimp die as some rounds feel tight in the Dillon case gauge whilst others plop in and fall right out. Replaces the third Dillon crimp die with a Lee Factory crimp die and getting the results that I want, but wondering why the Dillon crimp die isn't working as well (rather use the Dillon die) is there something that I haven't done right setting it up? Any hints? Should the Dillon crimp die be working so that every completed round plunks in and slides out of the Dillon case gauge with ease? Thanks in advance.
  19. Thanks Deacon, appreciated mate.
  20. Thanks Garrison Joe, as always mate appreciate the advice.
  21. G'day Pards, Been loading for WB using my Lyman Turret press, bit the 'bullet' so to speak and just ordered all the necessary Dillon parts to load on my XL650 as its just too tedious on the Lyman (loading for myself, wife, two sons and two daughter in laws) pretty pricey in Oz and its been a long time waiting for the gear to finally be in stock, but a large shipment has arrived from the U.S. I've ordered Dillon .45acp dies as well, I've been using Lee dies on the Lyman. Had a LOT of issues to start with, pistols are Ruger SR1911's and load is 3.9grs WST and 230grn pill. A mate was casting and Hitek coating pills for me using a Lee 452-228-1R mould...I had to reduce the overall COAL a LOT so that the pistol would go into battery (even though rounds went into a Dillon case gauge). Ended up using a Lee 452-230-2R and straight away issues went away and I could seat longer. Using the Lee three die set I had to buy the Lee factory crimp die to get the rounds to chamber nicely, could feel the LFC really working as the rounds went in and out. Will the Dillon .45acp dies be better than the Lee dies? Always appreciate advice, thanks. Chrono results -
  22. GJ, taking it apart and learning how it all works......I couldn't stop thinking what a genius JMB was.
  23. Thanks Garrison Joe, just finished fully cleaning the pistol and now taught myself how to take the firing pin out and also the extractor and get it all back together a few times. Different from a Glock, Beretta or CZ which I'm very familiar with, but I can say that I can strip a 1911 now with ease. Looked at all those points you mentioned above and can't see anything that stands out like the proverbial dogs bollocks. I'm hoping that this was just a once off fluke happening and maybe something I did cleaning it before the match the day before. I did push down (after racking my brain what it could have been) with a metal syringe type needle oiler and put a drop of oil on the back of the firing pin. In my total ignorance I had no idea that the black object was a 'firing pin stop' or that it came out.....so hoping that somehow I may have been the cause of it because it happened as soon as I racked the slide. After being fixed I shot the rest of the match without a problem. It's very nice pistol, surprisingly accurate for a 'battle pistol'. P.S thanks again for the PM advice reloading .45acp some weeks back, loads are working perfectly.
  24. Thanks pards, totally stumped how this happened. Its midday Monday here and going to strip it down and clean it after I have some lunch.
  25. New to owning a 1911, not new to shooting or competing. Used the Ruger SR1911 .45 a lot in practice zero problems. Had my first competition yesterday and was on the line first scenario, pistol out of holster wracked the slide and 'something' small and black fell out, just saw it hit the table thought "What the hell was that" dropped the magazine wracked the slide back to remove live round and show TO clear and next thing the firing pin and spring are on the ground ๐Ÿคจ Other more experienced WB shooters told me the firing pin stop had fallen out and then the firing pin and spring (but didn't know why) got it back in with their help in a short time and shot the rest of the day with zero problems. This is a brand new pistol, besides around 300 rounds I've put through it getting my loads right in practicing and two cleanings (never stripped the gun down to taking the firing pin out). Anyone know why this happened? Threw my confidence a bit as I was waiting for it to happen again and it was cold, very dark and raining and I didn't want to lose the parts if it did, but the pistol working faultlessly for the rest of the day.
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