What does this entail, I understand there is an ROC now, but I was hoping to see the follow-up reports mentioned in SASS's evaluation last year. Especially a one year, to try and quantify the change. If progress is being made let's communicate it. Hell, shout it from the roof top.
I have communicated directly in the past on at least a few matters. I am more than happy to do so when that seems to be the appropriate method. I fully understand your remark about the impression this leaves with newer WB shooters. However, I would say that posting things like this can provide a barometer to if someone's opinions are shared or unique. Additionally, garnering public support is one of the most effective tools to drive change.
CC, I will unabashedly say I was happy to see that you shot the WB match at Land Run. That was one of the best gestures, in seeing someone from "SASS" be it advisory board or otherwise participate in an upper level WB match.