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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Last Chance

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Everything posted by Last Chance

  1. My Tripp mags are probably 10 years old and I've never cleaned them or maintained them in any way. Literally some have small rocks in them. They have worked flawless. 1 started to not fall out smoothly like the others a year ago or so and i use it for a backup.
  2. ROUND COUNT------290 PISTOL------55 RIFLE------32 SHOTGUN-------
  3. No problemo pal. Let me, Big Casino or Texas jack know and you'll be good to go!
  4. This should workoregonstatewb.pdforegonstatewb.pdf Ignore the mail by June 1st thing, you can send it anytime before the shoot. Just call Big Casino if its a last second sorta deal. Hope to see ya out there!
  5. The Horse Ridge Pistoleros will be hosting the Oregon State Wildbunch Championship this year July 15-17 at the COSSA range outside of Bend,Or 10 high quality championship level stages over 2 days Side matches and BAMM BBQ Saturday - Raffle/prizes and awards Sunday Match Director: Last Chance Morales Come join us for a great match and fun times! Contact Big Casino at 541 848 seven two six zero
  6. Ruger makes one of the best 1911s under 1k money can buy. 70s series. Lots of features most shooters would want out of the box. Feed reliably with good ammo. Have nice triggers. If I didn't already have 2 great STIs for the past 15 years and was saving money, I would start with the Ruger. I also carried a ruger lightweight commander 45 for years and was pleased they're one of the few companies that reinforce their frames.
  7. I disagree. I surely wouldn't want a handout 1st place award when I placed 2nd in my category just because the guy that beat me also beat everyone else. He/she deserves it. They won their category and they beat the entire field. Good for them and congratulations on their excellent shooting. I'd be embarrassed to except an award for something I didn't earn. If that's how Texas does it then I truly feel bad for Texas.
  8. I know its gonna be hard to find this bad boy but if any of yall have one or know somebody that is wanting to sell one contact me on here, I am a FFL.
  9. Round count for WB EOT usually comes out about a month or less before the match. There are several drafts that have to be done when writing a large match and they are sent back and forth between the match director, wbas board of directors, host range and The Sass Wildbunch. You have to make sure you have the targets, distances, structures and stage accessories in line sometimes from thousands of miles away. Should be out soon.... calm down...
  10. Do all the things we discussed and were promised during our meeting at EOT 5 years ago
  11. Glad to hear this! Congrats to all you guys and gals on a very positive WILD BUNCH MATCH ! I Haven't missed an EOT since I was 11 and I'm bummed to miss this one. Truly missed an amazing shoot and all my good friends. Cheers everyone!
  12. MED grips, flat mh, flat MED length trigger
  13. Horse Ridge Pistoleros and SASS are inviting you to the 2021 Oregon State Wild Bunch Championship - on June 11, 12, 13 in Bend, Oregon. We will have 10 great Wild Bunch Stages designed by our Match Director Last Chance Morales - the Current National Champion and 11 Time World Champion. You can expect the same quality stages as you would at EOT. Cost for this Event will be $75 per shooter and will include lunch on Saturday and Sunday as well as a Costume Contest, BAMM, long range pistol and Speed Side Matches. Registration forms need to be filled out and sent back to HRP by June 1st. Email (horseridgepistoleros@gmail.com) for Reg form. Email (guntraders@gmail.com) for any questions you may have about the event. We hope you can join us and we look forward to seeing you ! Lead Shot Lou & Last Chance
  14. Whatever the stage calls for, I carry the same amount extra on my SG belt. so if its a 6 round stage, i have 6 in my gun and 6 on my belt. Ya Never know whats gonna happen wither it be dropping shells on a wet day while reloading or a part breaks and you need to single load the gun.
  15. At a match cleaning* disassemble spray and wipe all the dirty sh*t off once its bare and clean inside, apply a bit of grease/lube to all parts where metal touches metal. reassemble go shoot
  16. We got him boys thanks!
  17. Need your info to contact ya about that 1911-22 for stomper. cheers buddy
  18. Is this a lead only match this year ? I surely hope not
  19. Almost every ATI ive had in the store is cheap and low quality. However their STG44 copy in 22lr is a fabulous gun. Never ran across these but id doubt Id want any 1911 for that price, rock island included. Hell for that price you can get two Hi Point pistols that actually work!
  20. Honestly if you have a stage dq and still win a match you deserve it. Theres no excuse as a top shooter wither thats overall or in your category to have somebody get 0 points on a stage and yet still win. It is pretty obvious that you shot so poorly that you didn't deserve to win in the first place. And id honestly be annoyed if misses, p's, safeties ect were listed for every single stage. the scoring list would have to be a small font with a ton of lines which doesnt work well for large matches. time and percentage would do just dandy. IF you want to know if joe shmo had misses on stage 5 why not just go up and ask him?
  21. I love the scoring for Wildbunch. I feel it is the most fair and the best for competitors. You must understand the scoring system to understand why it makes so much sense, that's why every other major shooting sport uses it. (combat style) Problem is a lot of competitors won't take the time or sip enough bourbon to figure it out and they get pissy over it, that is not the fault of the scoring, its the persons. Now I totally understand the LAYOUT of the scores after the match, which is what im guessing this question is about. It Doesn't show penalties or misses ect. but neither does cowboy or any other sport. As long as we can get TIME with the percentages, I think people would be happier.
  22. I will be putting on a 2 day Wildbunch School at EOT this year. Saturday, June 15, 3pm-5pm- Day 1 Sunday, June 16, 3pm-5pm – Day 2 In this school we will go over all aspects of WIldBunch shooting and I'll be answering any questions ya'll have. A lot of what ill be going over will translate into all things shooting and competition. These will be some main topics I go over shooting stance shooting grip 1911 fundamentals rifle/shotgun fundamentals sight picture/trigger control/shot calls transitions/reloading ammunition shooting gear stage design/preparation/plan practice prep awareness competition mentality/self control  Cost of this class will be 200$ at the time of the class. I will be donating 25% of the earnings to the Sass Scholarship Fund. You can Contact me at chancemakana@gmail.com 
  23. If you check out jokers wild shooting on youtube, and scroll to the winter range playlist, you'll see I believe all of the shooters in the top 16 shootoff (men&women). Neat, fast stage design. Pretty good videos. Check it out.
  24. I use full length guide rods in every 1911 I use. Easier disassembly less spring drag tad bit more weight No special advantages really and the GI guide rod has worked fine for a long-long time. Just my preference.
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