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  1. Last week
  2. One of the positives of this forum and the cowboy forum being different is here you can send pics in the private messages. You can’t do that on the cowboy wire.
  3. @Boggus Deal can you PM me details on how to get one of your Firing Pins? Removing the retractor would be ideal. Totes
  4. Yes! The Firing Pin from Bogus Deal is the best!
  5. I second Two Dot, also the tip of the his firing pin is more robust and should not break
  6. Get Bogus Deals firing pin. It doesn’t use the retractor.
  7. Your tube is your friend.
  8. Either belt. As long as they conform to SASS WB Rules.
  9. ok I too am new to this part of the game, as far as the extra mags being carried are they on a shotgun belt or down low with the gun belt?
  10. I broke the firing pin retractor and when it happened it broke the firing pin. New parts are on the way. I've never had to fit a new retractor and wanted to ask here for any advice when replacing it with a new firing pin. Thanks in advance. Totes
  11. Earlier
  12. Hi All, I just thought this was a good story to share to put into context the changes made to Wild Bunch and how it is affecting the game. As most of you know, we own a retail gun store next to Paradise Pass SASS Club. Yesterday I had a current SASS CAS shooter come in, he has been in SASS for 1 year. He started with CAS and then jumped in late last year into a WB match we offered after a CAS shoot. He already had the 1911 ( he owns more then one) and he used his CAS 38 rifle and double barrel. He had a fantastic time and shot WB every time we offered it after. He came in yesterday and purchased a very nice Winchester Model 12 we had. He expressed how much he enjoyed WB and had saved up for the Model 12. He is very excited about the direction WB is headed and very happy to have found CAS and WB with SASS. I'm super excited to see how things grow in 2025 and was happy to have this testimonial to share. Everyone have a good week and see some of you at EOT, CC Moonshine
  13. Hi Seth, Yes what a shame, there just aren't enough weekends for all the great shoots.
  14. Hi all ! We held our monthly CAS match (5 stages) yesterday and a 3 stage WB match after. While it is still very cold here (20's-30's) we had a super time ! We had 15 CAS shooters and 7 WB shooters, 47% of the CAS shooters stuck around to shoot WB !!! As a survey note: All but one WB shooter used 38 rifle and CAS loads, we had zero issues. Misty Moonshine shot her first WB stages in preparation for a season filled with trips involving CAS and WB! She did excellent and came in 5th overall out of 7 ! She really enjoyed it and both of us are looking forward to WB at EOT. We held a Paradise Pass Committee meeting after all the shooting and it was decided that in the spring we would start offering Wild Bunch on it's own stand alone date, being the 2nd Saturday of the month, starting in May. No other CAS clubs in our area shoot on that weekend and we feel we can draw folks in from a good distance. Also we worked on plans for the Indiana State WB and CAS Championship! Get signed up for the WB Indiana Championship on our website : Paradise Pass Regulators It will be 10 awesome stages over 2 days ! June 12th and 13th! Those that sign up will also get an awesome T-shirt ( if you haven't ever gotten a T-shirt from PPR, we only purchase the softest, highest quality shirts for all events) and our Fireworks event on the 13th is absolutely awesome ( bigger then some towns fireworks shows), cookouts, and an amazing banquet on site on the 14th! It's going to be an epic event ! Have a super week everyone, CC Moonshine
  15. There is NO standard course of fire for Bolt Action Military matches (BAMM). The match director, if they are being shooter-friendly, should publish the course of fire that they have decided to use with any match invitation. That way, the shooter can come with proper ammo and any other equipment that may be allowed. Shooting a few BAMM matches is the best way to find out how to put on one. Not everyone has that much ability to travel to the bigger Wild Bunch matches where BAM matches are held (like EOT or Land Run, for example). Yes, I have set up up at EOT as a BAM match director. So - I'll describe the general approach I've seen at four different venues, and used for EOT. BAMM is usually considered to be a "combat-shooting" match, using, of course, WW II or earlier military rifle designs. Because many ranges have no more than about 100 or 200 yard bay lengths, the setting of targets out to those distances is common. Shorter than 60 yards or so, usually is not considered much of a challenge other than just working the action and reloading. Use of fairly strong targets and stands is needed, as a military rifle of those times can throw a cast bullet of 150 grains or so at up to 2000 FPS. Jacketed bullets usually are not allowed due to damage to all but heavy armor steel plates, and the facts that folks love to hear the targets ring and don't like tramping down 150 yards to patch paper targets, or reset heavy knockdown targets. Since some of the "poster boy" rifles for BAMM are Mauser 98s and Springfield 1903 designs, and they have 5 round built-in magazines, usually the match consists of shooting 10 or 15 rounds in sets of 5 shots, which will take about 40 to 60 seconds, usually with the reloads "on the clock". If possible, target distance is varied to encourage understanding use of sights and hold-offs. Sometimes using shooting sticks or benches is allowed, but some of the more fun matches either shoot all rounds off-hand unsupported, or use a variety of standard military shooting positions, like kneeling, sitting and off-hand. Prone, not so much if you will require shooters to get into position and recover after shooting, all while on the clock (consider your shooters' physical capabilities). Scoring is USUALLY like most long-range rifle matches - number of hits during the run, with ties decided by lowest time to get those hits. I've shot in one BAMM that scored it like a main-match stage (lowest time after adding in penalty times for misses), but then the match rewards speed over accuracy (which was not the design purpose of bolt action rifles - to "Project Power At Distance"). So, because of a variety of potential course layout, number of rounds fired, target distance, shooting positions and even the scoring method, now you may understand why you want to publish the course of fire to be used AHEAD OF THE TIME THAT FOLKS TRAVEL TO THE MATCH. However, I've not seen one yet which accomplished that. So plan ahead. I usually take at least 50 rounds of ammo loaded to 1800 FPS to a BAMM, a rifle that I have sighting dope for 50 to 200 yards (even 300), several stripper clips, shooting sticks, a mat, and a spotting scope. One of the biggest deterrents to getting good attendance at BAM matches is the need for shooters to reload fairly accurate, rifle caliber, moderate power cast bullet loads - not something many folks know how to do. And commercial ammo loaded like that is real hard to find. Even if the venue has a suitable bay or rifle range and strong steel to shoot BAMM on. good luck, GJ
  16. For those who have set up BAM matches, what is the course of fire?
  17. MatchResultsCombined(1).pdf
  18. Anybody seen them?
  19. Got the email this morning that CMP is taking orders for the last expected batch of surplus 1911s.
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  20. Ramrod, what times for the 14th class?
  21. Regardless of how well tuned your 1911 is or how well you reload your ammo, knowing how to safely and quickly clear a jam is not something to be overlooked. Things happen and I've seen far too many newer shooters struggle with what to do when it happens. Going to slide lock, manually pulling mag from the mag well, clearing a FTF safely and indetifying what can't quickly be fixed should be learned/practiced. When things decide to go wrong, it can really eat up time fixing it. Totes
  22. Great idea to put the WB and CAS state match together in the same weekend! Sent my app in today. Looking forward to my first Pennsylvania shoot. See ya there! MK
  23. Save the date - we will be updating the website later with applications, etc... https://saginawfieldandstream.com/ Check us out and add us on http://www.facebook.com/Saginawcowboyshooting 2025 Michigan State Wild Bunch Championship will be held Sept 27 and Sept 28 at Saginaw Field and Stream Club close to Hemlock/Saginaw, MI. "Saginaw Showdown" will be an epic Wild Bunch match showcasing our banquet facility on-site, our lake, camping area, new AR 500 targets and new shooting bays. We look forward to seeing all the new and experienced wild bunch shooters out here. Remember we practice wild bunch every Wednesday starting the last week of April until first week of November from 5:00pm until dusk. We also shoot a wild bunch match after every cowboy match.
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