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Reminder that the OK WB state competition is just around the corner: 2-4 Oct.  Get your applications in ASAP.  Hondo Tweed puts on an out freakin standing shoot!  You will be challenged, but not be disappointed.  To top it off, the food is world class. 


WB is happening in OK, come join the fun!


Link directly to entry form:  http://cowboy.okcgunclub.org/Wild%20Bunch%20Assets/Wild%20Bunch%20State%202020/Forms/application.docx




I must second EJs comments about this match.  It is well-organized and well-managed, runs on time, and the scenarios play well.  The side matches are another event to be enjoyed.  Not to mention the eats!  I'd never seen a delicious chicken-friend steak that covered a large platter, and undoubtedly it was the best I've eaten.  The use of the OK City Gun Club facility adds to the quality of this match.  Were it not for some structural repairs  to the body I'd be ringing the bell to join Hondo Tweed, Elwood James, and the Rough Riders again.  If you shoot this match, you will be one happy Wild Buncher!

More info:


Main Match    pistol 266, rifle 71, shotgun 52

Top Gun          pistol 14, rifle 5, shotgun 3          ( count is per round with approx. 5 rounds for

                                                                              the winner )

Side Matches 

    Fastest Rifle              10 rounds

    Fastest Pistol              21 rounds

    Fastest Shotgun          6 rounds

    Long Range BAMM    30 rounds

    Wild Bunch Clays        25 rounds

    BAMM Sniper              10 rounds

    Doughboy                    10 rounds rifle, 21 rounds pistol, 6 rounds shotgun

    MAD 30                        as many as you can shoot in 30 seconds

    GAMM Sniper              16 rounds


If you are camping, please call Hondo at 405-694-5270 when you arrive and I will find you a spot.


If you are staying in Edmond or Oklahoma City, there is a mask mandate in effect.  We do not have the mask mandate at the range.

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