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For dry fire practice?  Or to test feeding?


I find it cumbersome to dry fire a 1911 - having to either cock hammer manually or rack slide to take the next "shot".  So I don't have dummies for dry firing.  I live fire for all my practice.  The recoil of live ammo (two to four times more than what most Cowboy revolvers have) is part of what in practice you must learn to control (and reduce).  Recoil is zilch dry firing the 1911, of course. 


Test feeding - you want to use exactly the case sizing, seating, crimp and slug shape that your live ammo has. For that, the only dummy ammo which has all those dimensions is what you load.  For that, I leave a fired primer in, process the cases and load a slug just as I would live ammo, but not dropping any powder.  Then mark the case head with a sharpie to make it clear it's a dummy.


Some other purpose?  Tell us what.


Good luck, GJ


Another reason I don't dry fire 1911s.  There's no need to learn the two-hand synchronization mechanisms that you have with a single-action revolver shot 2 handed.  As in "Hammer, sights, trigger, repeat."    The main dexterity moves you need to learn are punching the mag release, grabbing and inserting new mag, and tripping the slide release (or slingshoting the slide).  Those really are best practiced live, too.  Because you find out if any mags don't insert well, drop well, or feed live rounds properly.




Thanks Garrison Joe!  Truly wish I could I had more options to live fire.  Dry fire is the choice of many and usually the only option, outside of shooting a match.


The ability to do any of Wild Bunch or Cowboy Action shooting gun handling, does require one to be able to handle safely and manipulate all guns and equipment.  Hence, the dry fire portion of which I have ample time and location to do so, is critical to my success and enjoyment.


Just a simple question as to those that do use dummy rounds, if they prefer a particular brand.


Cheers, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Oklahoma Dee


I've had good luck with the aluminum A-Zoom snap caps for revolvers, but I don't use any dummy rounds for dry firing my 1911.


I know there are mixed opinions on it, but I've come to the conclusion that dry firing is no harder on my 1911 than live firing. However, I do try to to "ride the slide" when cycling an empty gun. The Internet told me letting the slide slam down on an empty gun can cause premature wear. /shrug


Here's what I do: draw, rack the slide (not letting it slam), point, click, holster, repeat.


I practice for 55 mins every hour on the hour.




When I started out I used dummy rounds to learn manipulation skills because I too was told not to let the slide drop on an empty chamber. I'm not sure it makes a difference, but I'm not a gunsmith. Pulling the trigger and letting the hammer fall on an empty chamber is not an issue.


My timer can be set for a second beep. So I practiced my draw with dummy rounds. Draw on the beep, rack the slide, be on target and press the trigger before the second beep. The timer adds pressure as you move the second beep to your desired speed.


The second drill I used dummy rounds for was mag changes: pistol with slide locked back and an empty mag inserted, mags with dummy rounds on my belt, hold the pistol on target as if you have just fired the last round, at the beep change mags, come back on target and press the trigger before the second beep.


I've made my own, they get beat up real fast. I've used the orange plastic ones from Brownells. They also get beat up pretty quick so don't try to make them last too long and watch for little pieces of the plastic rim getting in your pistol. A-zoom might be more sturdy but I've never used them because they are pricey.



I believe mine to be made by Tipton, red plastic with a brass bass.


I use them for magazine change practice and sight accusation. While wearing my WB rig with all six magazines in pouches and one in the gun, each magazine has a snap cap in it. At the beep I'll draw and rack the gun, get my sights on the target and pull the trigger. Drop that mag, insert another, acquire my sights, press the trigger, drop the mag and repeat until all magazines on my belt have been used.


I only rack and dry fire the first round, the snap caps inserted in the remaining magazines make the insertion of the mags easier. Make sure you're seeing your sights and target.


One other thing I've found very useful in the past was a cheap, $15-20 spring loaded 1911 airsoft pistol. Maybe I've been fortunate, but the two I've owned have been right on target. I'd use these in the garage with a cardboard box with a shoot n see target. The trigger isn't great so you're forced to pay attention to your sights and pressing the trigger.



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