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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

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This was a really fun match. The stages included a nice balance of speed, longer shots, movement, and variety of starting/staging/re-staging. The props were awesome, and I especially liked the boardwalks found on most of the stages. There was something pleasing about the rhythmic *tink* *tink *tink* of brass falling on the boardwalk when folks were shooting the rifle. It's little stuff like this that stands out to me.


I think my favorite part was the amount of movement and distance between positions. The positions seemed pretty far apart compared to what I've been shooting, so it was fun to be able to nearly sprint between some positions. This was especially true on stage 10 where we moved laterally, downrange, then laterally again. I know lots of movement puts some folks at a disadvantage, but there was a good balance. We had one stand and deliver (stage 1) and a few with only one position change.


It was great to see old friends and make new ones. I was lucky to be on the same posse as Pleasant Valley Kid, Sweet Shot Sue, Goatneck Clem, Capt Sam Evans, Last Chance Morales, and the Match Director, Boggus Deal. My experience was enhanced just by being around those folks.


This was the coolest match I've been to, and I couldn't even stay for the cowboy match (but my guns stayed dry). The WR Territorial Rangers, Blackjack Zac, Boggus Deal, and everyone else involved did a fantastic job. Kudos to you all!


Here is a link to the stages (link expires on 11 Mar 19)


I want to thank all who shot Wild Bunch at Winter Range. I was told that if we can get more registrations, we can get another day and more stages. Please spread the word!





I want to thank all who shot Wild Bunch at Winter Range. I was told that if we can get more registrations, we can get another day and more stages. Please spread the word!


Are we going to be able to shoot Wild Bunch on Wed. during Cowboy Warm-up or are they going to cut into Fire and Ice?


This years match was one of the most stress free WB match matches I've shot. Great job, looking forward to see what you come up with for next year.


Marshal Stone

I think that I mentioned if we could get 150+ shooters we could PROBABLY make 10 posses and so then we could do 6 stages a day for 12 stages.  The time take would end up the same with less standing around but still have enough folks to run a posse.

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