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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Last Chance, 100 Tripps?  Awesome!  I have a half-dozen or so Tripp magazines, and they perform well.  I’m not beyond looking for new engineering or technology for improved performance or longevity, thus the question to the community. Whether the CMC feed rails with two times the strength of other feed rails (including Tripps?) will improve either remains to be seen.  Who knows, the CMC magazines might outlast all of us.    ;)
  • 4 weeks later...

1. They state "RPM are AT LEAST 2x as Strong as Any Traditional 1911 Magazine Feed Lips".................... Well I sure hope so, because no serious competitors in any sport use traditional style feed lips. Tripp as well as some others use metal on metal with polymer. And it works really really well.


2. These don't effect our sport in any way and the shooters in other sports I have seen at top levels use Tripp/brown/wilson mags for the most part.


3. I've seen CMC mags used a lot more in the 10rd 9mm config. 


TRIPP makes a great magazine, but I've seen a few that the floor plate weld has broken allowing the floor plate to come off as the magazine is being inserted into the gun. Those folks returning them to Tripp haven't been overly happy with Tripp's response. They'll weld it for free, but then Tripp gives that customer a disclaimer about how the mags are to be used, implying we're to rough on them.


Nothing against Tripp, just saying their not perfect either.



I had a shooter that was having a problem with a Tripp. It would stick the trigger on the 3rd shot everytime. The only thing I could find was the body of the mag was a hair narrower than all other mags and the 4th round was always farther to the right against the mag catch hole. My theory was that it pushed against the mag catch just enough to cock the mag since it was narrower than the others, and stick the trigger bar.
It would stick the trigger on the 3rd shot every time.


First, a bullet pressing on the mag release isn't going to cause trigger to stick.  It might cause mag to try to drop out of gun, but not a stuck trigger.


My guess would be the mag body is slightly fat.  THAT could cause the trigger to be sticky and hard to press since the stirrup of the trigger slides around both sides of the magazine body.  Try miking the magazine body.  When they get dropped and dented up, they can swell to be fat enough to interfere with trigger.  Brownells even has a gauge to check if your mag bodies are out of spec (too thick). 


But - Why on the third round to be fired ???? Don't see a reason to interfere with trigger just at that number of rounds (5) left in mag.


Good luck, GJ

This was a brand new Tripp, What I was saying was when that bullet was against the mag release it moved the front of the mag to the left and made the right rear drag the trigger bow preventing it from returning. It had actually started a distinct mark on the trigger bow. When I measured the mag body because I thought it was wider than his other mags KIMPRO's, it was actually narrower than the rest. It would fire 3, trigger stick, pull trigger forward and empty the mag, and it did it everytime. The 4th round was the only round that was always completely flush with the mag catch hole. Ask Shell Stuffer next time you see him, it was his 1911 about 2 days before EOT.

Ya know, a properly fitted trigger bow (stirrup) rides in a raceway BELOW the surface of the frame.  Unless the frame has been worn away or the trigger bow sticks out from the surface of the frame, that magazine will NOT be able to touch the trigger bow.  I'd be looking at the trigger bow for being fitted badly or being warped.  Put in a new trigger and make sure the bow is down lower than the frame surface both right and left!


I have an early Armscorp 1911 in which the raceway was not cut deeply enough on the right side.  Sticks almost every empty magazine so the mag has to be manually yanked out of the gun.  But that is the gun, not the fault of a Tripp mag.  I've got a raceway stone, and when I get some time to fiddle with the bow  ;)  I'll make that thing work correctly.


Good luck, GJ



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