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During a conversation about reloading for the Swiss K31 Marshal Willy reports that he was amazed at the gain in velocity using moly coated bullets.  He coated 155 gr cast bullets with moly coat and gained 87 fps MV, from 1775 fps to 1862 fps.  He used Lyman #2 lead in a Lee C3121552R mould, sized to 0.310" for a weight of 155 gr with GC,  fired in a 7.5x55 Swiss using 22 gr IMR 4198 powder. 


That moly coating kit came from Buffalo Arms:


;DGS, we've been using the moly coated and now the hytec coated bullets and I am sold on them. The guns stay cleaner with accuracy as good or better. I didn't check for increased velocity out of the 30/06 but wouldn't doubt it. The 30 cal is about 170 spire point with an aluminum gc and hytec coated. It's a cat daddy! Dusty
  • 4 months later...

I just powder coated some 150 grain GCFN... for the Garand... Noted that the same lubed GC bullet weighed in at 151.3, while the powder coated version with GC was 153.6!


Gonna test 'em out on Saturday!

I shot a lot of moly bullets when I shot High Power.  The one thing I learned was to not mix moly bullets with non-moly.  If you do you will get occasional flyers.  Of course those were FMJ match bullets that were moly coated.  I never shot moly coated lead bullets.
JFN, I didn't try the moly coated bullets but I did use the powder (?) coated cast bullets from Norm Purcella.  Following uncoated cast bullets with coated cast bullets may have been the reason for numerous fliers from an otherwise accurate M96.  After a good cleaning (again), a trip to the range resulted in 3" groups at 100 yards.  Testing continues, next trip with a chrono.
GS, it seems with the Purcella bullets which are hi tec coated and aluminum gc that for some reason several have to be shot to settle the gun to them. Some rifles that I have kept shooting perfect immediately and 2 others had maybe a box and went to shooting normal again. One of those was a garand and the first 10-15 rounds looked like a mad woman throwing rocks! Ouch! Kept at it and it's back respectable again. I think Fred's 03 did that and he cleaned it shot it some more and it went to shooting fine. Matter of fact he shot an 8 point buck with his 03 using his bamm load with that lead bullet. DRT  8) distance was around 100 yards. Impressive! Dusty Boddams

JFN, I didn't try the moly coated bullets but I did use the powder (?) coated cast bullets from Norm Purcella.  Following uncoated cast bullets with coated cast bullets may have been the reason for numerous fliers from an otherwise accurate M96.  After a good cleaning (again), a trip to the range resulted in 3" groups at 100 yards.  Testing continues, next trip with a chrono.

I certainly didn't do any extended testing... but from my Garand I fired two clips of lubed, GC'd 150 grains, then two clips of the same bullet, powder coated, both over the same charge of 4064, same lots of primers, cases and gaschecks.


No discernable change in POI.  Three different shooters using the same rifle:


(the four holes on the bottom target were the 2nd four of the 1st clip with just a change in POA.  I used the bull of the upper target as POA).


We took photos after each shooter shot four rounds from a clip, the four shots on the right were my son, who first insisted on shooting a different poa than us "old guys"! I just haven't marked which holes were whose. The backer was a cardboard silhouette, and we were aiming just about the shoulder line, or base of the neck... whichever you prefer.  I still need to up the charge a little for proper operation... AND bring the poi up, before I get to shooting for accuracy.

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