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Cowboy shooting a stage has a jam with a 1911 on the last round, drops the mag and unjams gun. Round is now in the chamber. Can the shooter reinsert the empty mag with the slide forward? I realize you can not insert a loaded mag at this point, but can you reinsert the empty mag? kR
All reloads shall be from slide lock, no “tactical reloads.” You may not reload the

pistol with a round in the chamber. (MSV) You may NOT reload a single round in

the 1911 by placing it in the chamber and then closing the slide. (MSV) All

ammunition must be loaded from a magazine. All reloads shall be from slide lock.

(Failure to do so, MSV)


(bolding added)


I would say, from your description, the shooter would earn a MSV for clearing the jam with the mag out of the gun and allowing that loose round to chamber and then firing it.


Inserting an empty mag with the slide down would not help this situation, it would just add more time.  (Besides, how would the TO or others know for sure that you are putting an empty mag in?) Rack the slide to remove the jammed cartridge and lock slide back, then insert fresh mag. One could use a Barney Fife (single round) magazine very easily in this situation to avoid having to clear 4 unfired rounds from the gun after firing one round to end the sequence.




I read the original question differently.  In a classic type lll malfunction or double feed, the fastest way to clear it is to strip the mag.  Most of the time the slide will close on the round in the chamber.  My understanding is that you may insert an empty mag to lock the slide back when the round is fired.  If the mag you stripped has rounds in it, reinserting it will be a MSV unless you lock the slide back.  If the mag you stripped has rounds in it and it never leaves the pistol you may reseat the mag for a no call.




No reload involved. First round was partially in chamber. I read and reread the rule and as near as I could tell the situation was not covered. What actually happened was the shooter fired the round in the gun and then did load a loaded mag without the slide locked back. After discussing what happened the shooter wanted to know if he could have reinserted the empty mag so the slide would have stayed locked back. I told him I wasn't sure but it would not in my opinion be a "tactical reload" as there was nothing in the mag. kR

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