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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

((((((((((Wild Bunch ))))))))))))))))) Monthly offerings

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Howdy all,

I hope you all have a great start to the summer shooting season!

For those trying to fire up a Wild Bunch Shooting at your monthly CAS Shoots, here's what we are doing.

We are offering a 3 stage WB match right after the main CAS match each month.

We aren't reinventing the wheel here. We are using the same target layout from the CAS match so we don't have

to move anything. We of course put more pistol ammo on the rifle targets to increase the distance and allow for more pistol rounds.

We are running 14-28 pistol rounds per stage

5-10 rifle rounds

4 to 6 shotgun

We are currently not charging to play if they paid for the CAS match

But next year we will add $5-$10 if they want to shoot the Wild Bunch match

We are super happy with the turnout so far, with 12-18 shooters per match for WB

For the Indiana State we are over 20 signed up for the WB match (5 stages).

Remember to also get a Territory Governor added to your club if you have or are stating a Wild Bunch program.

Thanks and have a fantastic week,

CC moonshine.

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