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Medicine Creek Johnny

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Medicine Creek Johnny last won the day on March 10

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  1. Yes they were Boggus. But that still falls to the shooter. It was more challenging but moving with a round in the chamber has been a DQ from the beginning. There were also many 170 violations. I’d like to see the official stats on the cause of DQs
  2. I thought the stages were fine. Some challenging targets but not over the top for a WB match. I don’t think you can blame 170 violations on the stage writer. That is on the shooter
  3. Sometimes the rear of the chamber has a very sharp edge an the shell catches on it. Slightly bevel the chamber edge usually helps
  4. For sale Springfield range officer. Less than 200 rounds since new. Would need front sight changed to be WB modern legal. Very nice 1911. Stainless. $900 shipped to your FFL
  5. Hey 40. How did you get yours so fast. I think you cut the line in front of me
  6. Thanks to Barb and Zona for a great AZ state WB match. If you weren’t ther you missed a great one
  7. Just ordered one. Can’t wait. Always wanted one and this thread just convinced me to get it
  8. Happy birthday
  9. Sounds great. I'll give you mine at WR MCJ
  10. Thanks to Back 40 and all of the other workers who put on the Illinois state match. Even tho the weather didn't cooperate they adapted and over came MCJ
  11. Hi Frank. What years were the shell flags installed
  12. Thanks for all the work 40. Congrats to my good friend Jailmaker MCJ
  13. Shooter fires 4 rounds then drops the magazine. Realizes he still has a round in the camber and fires it at the correct target. He then inserts a new mag with the slide down on an empty chamber. Minor safety or no call? Thanks MCJ
  14. Thanks Sam. I will email you tonight MCJ
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