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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by mortman

  1. thanks, Joe, gonna give it a try. -c.
  2. Hi Joe, do you cut them with a hacksaw?, would be a great way to make use of splits. -c. :)
  3. anyone? thanks, c.
  4. Any matches in SoCal? 8)
  5. Hi, Goatneck is gone from us, sorry to say. So who works on 12's these days?
  6. Can't seem to find a match anywhere in Southern CA; am I missing something? :'(
  7. Hi, A few years ago I bought a pair of spacers to widen my 1911 grip. No markings and now I can't find them. Anybody familiar with who makes these?
  8. That's disappointing. One of my criticisms of CAS: a rifle is a rifle and should be used as such.
  9. Just curious. Looked at the stage diagrams, but no dimensions given. What was the range (shooter to target) of the farthest target? Sighting in new rifle and looking for a baseline. Thanks, M.
  10. Who does Marlin action work?
  11. "has mandated that we do not come to the firing line with a live round in the chamber" Thanks, Jack. You answered my question. Don't agree; but I understand.
  12. Well...actually, no you didn't state why the rule is there. Your answer fails by all logical analysis. You didn't answer the question. Of course it's a cold range. We don't start cold. We start at the ready. Why isn't cocked and locked allowed as a ready condition? I don't know, I only ask the question. Want to take another crack at it? :)
  13. Cold range goes for any shooting sport with which I am familiar. So What? In every other shooting sport (except Steel Challenge), the shooter comes to the line cold. At the Make Ready command: the shooter loads chamber, engages safety and reholsters ready for the Stand By command. Is this too difficult for Wild Bunch shooters? Are they too unfit to do this? Just asking.
  14. Okay, so when can we go cocked and locked just like every other shooting sport? Or are cowboys considered too retarded for this?
  15. “Load and make ready.” 8)
  16. " I would love to shoot cocked and locked too. Would be fun unless someone shoots themselves in the foot." Me too. 8)
  17. Rinse, repeat: If C&L had been found to be an unsafe condition resulting in accidents, they would have changed the rules by now. 8)
  18. See above, that is to say that thousands of 1911 stage starts have begun cocked and locked. If C&L had been found to be an unsafe condition resulting in accidents, they would have changed the rules by now. Texas Rangers have been carrying cocked and locked every day for almost 100 years. Are Wild Bunch shooters considered to be stupider or more incompetent than all the others? 8)
  19. Well.. OK for Multigun OK for USPSA OK for IDPA. But not OK for Wild Bunch? Why? Are we more unsafe than all the other shooters? 8)
  20. hi, still an interesting concept; but the only one i actually saw didn't work very well (Cody job). was this unusual or common? anybody shooting one that works? gotta say that a 16", 10 rd. carbine sounds really cool. oh, yeah, i have read about the Ranger Precision Marlin; but it seems like an awful lot of money spent to experience the dreaded Marlin jam. 8) thanks, m.
  21. thanks, h.j. i think it would be kinda cool being the invention of Jeff Cooper hisself.
  22. anybody use this in a match? any reason not to do so?
  23. my shotgun boogie .45 colt 1873 runs like crazy. reliable too. sticking w. it. 8)
  24. hi, Watched a codymatic .45acp 1873 in a match. It jammed frequently. unusual or normal? would v. much like a levergun in .45 acp. thanks, m.
  25. Interesting, do you have a website?
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