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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Desert Pete

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  1. Last year was my first WR. Also, the largest WB shoot I have ever attended. All went well if somewhat slow. Even though my times were nothing to write home about, it was all good fun. Everyone was super helpful. If you can swing it shoot the WB match at Cowtown on Friday. Lots of good guidance when the chips aren't all down.
  2. I shoot a 6.5x50 Arisaka my dad brought home. Ammo is hard to find and the action is a bit clunky but it's a sentimental thing.
  3. Thanks. I have the Fire and Ice application. Just trying to figure out the timing of it all. Guess I forgot WB was Friday.
  4. Does anyone know if there will be a warm up shoot for Winter Range at Cow Town next year?
  5. The subject says it all.
  6. This was my first really big WB shoot. I thought it was great! Lots of targets made it more challenging and more interesting. Lost brass was no big deal. I loaded up my oldest brass and didn't worry about it. I really have no interest in buying someone else's used brass.
  7. Boggus Deal, please don't take my comments in a negative way. They weren't meant to be. There were more chances to just bs at Fire and Ice while we were picking brass and doing our posse duties. We moved pretty efficiently in the main match because we did not have to pick brass. This is a good thing but some of the social interaction gets lost.
  8. My preference is six stages a day. I understand the scheduling requirements for the CAS match but for WB I favor six. At least, until WB gets to be as big as CAS. Generally, I liked the stages. They were challenging which made them interesting. Much more interesting than variations of 5+5+10 every stage. WB Fire and Ice was also a fun shoot. A little more relaxed and the shooters were a little less tense.
  9. The link on the WR web site points to the 2010 WB rules. I shoot a Model 12 which is not listed in that version. It is in the 2014 rules. Which version applies to WR?
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