OK, that's a nice one for a progressive sweep! And a variation on it with 5 targets, you could do a 2-3-4-3-2 tap sweep.
Next challenge - Something like a Nevada sweep (no double taps), to use 14 shots, and you don't want the simplest way of using four targets (or the dumb way with just 2 targets alternated).
I hesitate to play this game with you because you could ask for sweeps that you have previously determined don't work. Moreover, in my opinion the whole idea is that a change from the current expectation WILL be required. And we'd be better off for it!
But to show that anything a person wants to do can be done... here we go. ;D
Nevada Sweep:
Three targets
1 on #1
" #2
" #3
" #2
" #1
" #2
" #3
For 7. Repeat for 14
Or, as I prefer show off our independence from CAS and slap down some movement to the next array, repeat or mix it up for 14, 21, 28...
Four targets:
1 on #1 (KD that only gets shot the first time) we all like kd's right?
1 on #2
1 on #3
1 on #4
5 Targets:
1 ( KD), 2,3,4,5 ( KD),4,3,2,3,4,3,2,3,4
You may say I cheated. I say I improvised, overcame, adapted.
It sounds like fun to me! ;D