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Everything posted by Abilene

  1. If the sun glints off one of them and temporarily blinds a spotter, well, benefit of the doubt, right? :)
  2. When the leather magazine pad rule was made I thought, man what a bunch of wimps. :) But then the heel of my left hand gets bruised just from slamming the mags in, so I decided to go ahead and give the pads a try. At first I was going to make a few but with my lack of leather or tools I thought what the heck, they will be a lot nicer and a lot less hassle to just order some from Mernickle, and the price isn't bad. So I had ordered them but not yet received them when I shot my last WB match at Plum Creek Shooting Society, and dang if I didn't get for the first time ever the dreaded pinch that hurts like hell for days and raised a blood blister. So anyway, I was happy to get these. Glued them on with E6000 since that's what I had and seems like it is holding fine. So I am ready to go for the next match! The lanyard ring mags will continue to be used for the first mag of the stage, plus one of them is my Barney mag (which I actually used for the first time at the last match). Now if I can just get my weird reloading issue figured out after changing to coated bullets - but that's another story. http://davidscottharper.com/photos/WB%20mag%20pads.jpg http://davidscottharper.com/photos/WB%20mag%20pads1.jpg
  3. Okay. So, if the shooter had loaded another round and knocked down the 4th target, then he would end up with just a P and no misses, right?
  4. My first thought would be 2 misses and a Procedural. If he had shot the 4th target instead of the 3rd with the reloaded round, it would have just been one miss only.
  5. I have just been using my Mernickle CAS rig for Wild Bunch. The 1911 fits fine in the SAA holster. About a year ago I finally got some mag pouches for it. Local pard Mad Dog McCoy made me pouches with the same border stamp as the Mernickle rig. Looked good, worked fine. But then a couple weeks ago another local was selling some stuff, including this Ted Blocker rig in excellent shape. The mag pouches have steel spring retainers that work really slick. Retail cost is $395 plus the 6-loop shotshell slide. The guy wanted $75 for it. Done Deal!! Very reminiscent of the deal on my Mernickle rig which I bought used 20 years ago for...yep, $75 ! Sometimes you just get lucky. http://davidscottharper.com/photos/WB%20rig%20-2.jpg http://davidscottharper.com/photos/WB%20rig%20-1.jpg
  6. I talked to Reckon and the guys at GMR after our monthly match today. This is preliminary, but they are looking at a simple match, about 4 mags per stage. Just one day, so no side matches. Should be an RO class the day before. Hey Grouchy, are you back to shooting?
  7. I don't think that anyone running GMR attended the last state match, which I understand had a lot of peripheral activities (BAMM, etc.), so they may not know what folks are used to in a big WB match. We shall see.
  8. Interesting. There has been no notice on their Yahoo email group nor website, but then I think they have been more active on Facebook, which I don't do. They also do not hold regular WB matches, so this is kind of a surprise. Being as this is my closest club, I think I might make this one! But I better start reloading NOW on my Lee Turret to have enough ammo by May. ;D
  9. Howdy Doc, some good experts here will be along shortly. I'll just say that I always hear that your brass should land approximately 6 feet to the right/rear. Closer means spring too strong, further means spring too weak. Hmm, or is that backwards? :P I don't have to think about it because the stock spring is just about right on my Armscor with similar power factor.
  10. My first 1911, around '99 or so, was a Kimber compact aluminum. I put the shock buff in to try to protect the aluminum frame. It seemed to affect reliability negatively. I later read that is more common in the shorter barrel guns. Also, it would start shredding, and I understand that can jam a gun as well. So no more for me.
  11. I think the main intention of the "loose ammo" is for rifle or shotgun reloads.
  12. These days I'm seeing very large number of CAS shooters using the coated bullets. I switched to them for my .38 special loads a year and a half ago, and recently got some in 230RNL for the 1911. I have been very pleased with them, no downside for me.
  13. Okay, so a nearby pawn shop has a Model 12, s/n makes it 1959, 2 3/4", Mod choke. From what I'm reading this might be one to get. It has the more modern forend wood, which I don't care for. Will a '97 forend fit? Priced at $399 but I know it has been there over a month so maybe they will come down some.
  14. I think fingerless (one or more) would be fine. I've shot several cold weather matches with fingerless wool gloves (CAS, not WB though).
  15. As far as I know, palm leaf hats have always been legal for WB. I wear one shaped like a sombrero.
  16. Congratulations to all! Did anyone shoot it clean, or close to clean? I've worked at EOT a number of times but never shot it. Hope to change that next year.
  17. Fleur-de-groove? :)
  18. Right, the commercially available SS kits are all legal. The makers of them know not to go shorter. :) I'm thinking the limpbrain who told you SS are not legal was thinking of NCOWS.
  19. I guess a better title would have been that the scoring system "reporting" sucks. But if the official scoring program(s) do not have the option of showing penalties, as Happy Jack mentioned, then I suppose there really isn't anything to be done short of the program authors adding it.
  20. Well I agree with Flash, if I am understanding what he is saying. Whether for CAS or WBAS, some of the clubs I shoot with list scores with just the times and places, no info for misses or P's. Other clubs have multiple files to pick from - one will be overall times and places only and another says "detail" and gives just that. I even like it when the file shows rank points, even if the club does not use them for scoring. Makes it easier to compare how I did on each stage to others. For example the Wild Bunch (4-stage "side match") match last weekend at Comancheria Days (no rank points listed but does show penalties): Overall (simplified) score sheet: http://texicanrangers.org//uploads/Events/Comancheria%20Days/SASS%20TX%20State%20Wild%20Bunch%20Match%20Final%202019.pdf Details score sheet: http://texicanrangers.org//uploads/Events/Comancheria%20Days/SASS%20TX%20State%20Wild%20Bunch%20Match%20Final%20Detail%202019.pdf By the way, I accomplished my goal of placing in the top half of my category (barely), 7th out of 15 Traditional :)
  21. Thanks, Skinny!
  22. local clubs around here have pistol shots at both the pistol targets and the rifle targets. So you will usually have one or two of the magazines per stage to shoot about 10-15 yards or so.
  23. That deal from J.Frank sounds pretty good. But I do as Abe mentioned. My 1911 fits into several of my SAA holsters, but the one I use is a 20-year-old Mernickle rig. Fits and looks just fine. I finally got some matching mag holder slides made for it, as I had been using vest pockets and some really flimsy home-made holders from dollar store cell phone holders :) But I've also noticed, at least around here, that the local matches are letting folks stage their magazines so really you might get away with that for a while.
  24. Or I could wear my canvas shotshell belt with 2 shells in it. ;D I do keep a rifle reload or two in my gunbelt behind the strongside gun. But I haven't jacked out a round in like 18 years (must not be going fast enough), and 10+1 stages usually allow staging it. So if I ever need to start going to the belt, I'm gonna have to practice. Thanks for the info on being able to correct on the clock. A few weeks ago at a CAS match I was the first shooter and both I and the TO (and everyone else) forgot the instructions that said to stage the handguns, so I could have done it when I got to that position.
  25. Okay, I guess this begs another question I've wondered about (both CAS and WB). Can a round or shotshell for a reload that is carried illegally (such as the shotshell in mag pouch example) be pulled out of the mag pouch on the clock, then set down on a prop, then picked back up and used? Or is there some verbiage I might have missed that says you MUST stage anything that is staged, BEFORE the buzzer goes off?
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