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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Grouchy Spike

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Grouchy Spike last won the day on April 24 2023

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About Grouchy Spike

  • Birthday 11/20/1941

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  1. Thanks for posting scores, Greased Lightning!
  2. Maybe these troopers are an early Wild Bunch posse. They had the attire and one of the required weapons. Maybe two of the weapons when the trench gun is considered. With the issued Model 1903 or Model 1917 rifle, they would be equipped for Doughboy category! Thanks to them and their brothers and sisters in uniform for their service.
  3. This is a Wild Bunch match to shoot! Well designed, organized, and conducted with precision. Did I mention the grub? Hondo Tweed and the Roughriders have this match perfected!
  4. The Willow Hole Cowboys in North Zulch offer a 1911 category in every cowboy match, integrated into any posse. The 1911 shooters use 5-round mags, shoot the scenario like cowboy shooters except that somewhere in each scenario is an instruction to shoot ten pistol rounds at the rifle targets. Ten rifle, 20 pistol, and four shotgun. Would that work for you, short of a full blown WB match? The idea from Dusty Boddams has merit. And a WB posse needs only five and good organization to function - the TO, three spotters (one keeping score) and a shooter. Persevere!
  5. Thanks! Nice turnout. I regret that i could not participate in this match. Hondo Tweed and the Rough Riders do an exemplary performance in hosting this match!
  6. Scores haven't been posted yet. Who were the winners?
  7. https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2021/04/22/cabot-guns-reintroduce-national-standard-pistol/ Watch the video. That Commander is absolutely beautiful. Only $3995+ TTL. The government model should be identical in appearance. The Commander makes my trigger finger quiver!
  8. Trail Boss is so fluffy that is difficult to overload a cowboy cartridge as you would see a full case of powder if not more. Perhaps it could be done with compression. Minor changes in TB volume don't have much effect on weight of the charge. To my hands TB has a softer recoil that any powder I've used in 38 Spec, 44 Spec, 45 ACP and 45 Colt.
  9. Wild Bunch continues to grow thanks to innovators and implementers. What exciting times! :)
  10. 230 gr Cast round nose bullets loaded with 4.0 - 4.1 gr WST will deliver about 160 PF, but should be checked in your pistol. That is a favorite load of many WB shooters. Trail Boss works too, feels like a bit less recoil at the same PF. In these days of limited powder availability, you may not have much choice so peruse the reloading manuals for a list of powders that will deliver at least the minimum PF of 150 with a bit of cushion (say 160) with 230 grain bullets.
  11. I appreciate all of the successful efforts of Nellie Blue and Dusty Boddams to support Wild Bunch and make it grow. Thanks much!
  12. I've never used a sight adjustment tool. I used a brass punch, bumped the sight where I needed it, then put a mild stake on it with a center punch so it wouldn't move under recoil.
  13. Thank you Beartrap and all of the Ambassadors and moderators for your support and promotion of Wild Bunch. Those efforts and accomplishments are much appreciated. Wild Bunch is a somewhat unique game and requires unique individuals to organize and operate it, including the match directors and those contributors on the WB Wire. Nice work. Thanks to all of you!
  14. Plug away, JFN! That was an interesting article and thanks for publishing it. :)
  15. ]LL, thanks to you and the ROC and Ambassadors for all that y'all do to support and promote Wild Bunch! That is much appreciated although it's not said as often as it should be IMO.
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