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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Allie Mo

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About Allie Mo

  • Birthday 04/13/4

Allie Mo's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Just a note, the rule was not eliminated; it was changed to the following. "Magazines must be standard length and cannot hold more than eight rounds."
  2. Hi HPH, Let me explain illegally acquired ammo as it could apply here. This would not be illegally acquired as the magazine was a legal instrument (unless it did not meet the definition of a legal magazine) to carry ammo to the line, hat bands with ammo loops are not a legal means to carry ammo. It the shooter loaded from his hat or an illegal magazine it would be illegally acquired. Regards, Allie
  3. Hi Folks, I just saw this thread. See my thread on Tactical Reloads. It seems, like Happy Jack said, TRs may be allowed and safe; but are not always an advantage. I didn't try it as I hadn't practiced it. However, several more experienced shooters than I tried it and were not very successful (meaning without an oops by the shooters or the counters). I saw shooters miscount and get a P, miscount and leave a live round in a magazine, AD, and move with the slide forward. Not only that, the pause between shot 6 and 7 confused the spotters. So, I think I will use the KISS method and not attempt TRs. Regards, Allie
  4. can confuse the shooters and counters. :o Things observed at the 2018 CA State WBAS match. Confused Shooter: After tactical reload fired one and walked with slide forward. Confused Counters: Unsure what happened with delay in firing seventh shot. Happened several times. Confused Shooter and Counter: Shooter did not place second round of DT after tactical reload and engaged next target instead, then finished with one live round remaining. Two counters called it correctly; one counter and TO thought shooter was clean. Shooter cleared it up by showing us he had a live round remaining. This was my first match since the okay of tactical reloads. So, one might think I had a problem with it. I'm not sure that was the case. I do think it would get easier as they are encountered more frequently. I'd like to know if others have had problems and if they diminished with frequency of observation of TRs. Regards, Allie Mo PS I did not do any TRs. I didn't have any problems counting to seven. I was worried about that. The nature of the scenarios helped with that. Also, the majority of stages had seven rifle, which was helpful. PPS I was exhausted. This is not a sport that you can drop for eight months then shoot for three days.
  5. I'll be there with you!
  6. OMG! These changes are overwhelming to me. I haven't touched my 1911 since August and signed up for State next month. I hope my question makes sense or is reasonable based on the rule change. If my slide doesn't stay open, is it okay to open it before moving as I would have with the old rule? Thank you, Allie
  7. I love shooting my rifle. I know I will hit something. ;)
  8. Anyone who answered with two words gets a gold star, even if I disagree with you. ;)
  9. Hi Folks, I'd like to know how many of you would like to make Total Time the official WBAS Scoring at EOT. Please start another thread for discussion and just stick to whether you'd like that or not. I've had an ear full of comments against the current WBAS scoring method. Thanks, Allie PS I vote for Total Time scoring.
  10. So tell me is it true that someone with a SDQ and was third in category won overall for their gender? How is that fair?
  11. What is the Senior Category, if not for us old folks?
  12. Total Time Scoring please. I don't really care if we are laughed at. At least with total time, a person who is third in their category with a SDQ, can't be first overall. I heard that happened at EOT. Regards, Allie
  13. Hi 40! If I were "calling the shots" (pun intended) and wanted to grow WBAS, I would have a category where a semi-auto pistol was allowed at SASS matches. :o Basically, it would be SASS with a semi-auto pistol. You could be flexible about the rifle caliber too. (Don't tell HJ that I wrote this. ;) ) We have a dedicated WBAS club at my home venue. There are several WBAS shooters who never shoot SASS and one who sold his SASS guns and only shoots WBAS, IDPA... If this category brought in sufficient new shooters, maybe some day, you could have a dedicated by-the-rules WBAS club. Regards, AM
  14. Hi Big Bear, It was so nice to have met you. I told you that you had a good posse. I'm glad to hear I was right. See you down the trail! Allie Mo PS Spread the word and get more of the So. CA folks to come up here. PPS We call ourselves, all six clubs combined Diamond Dick's Cowboy Town. California Gunslingers is just the name of our Website
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