POP GUN side match
Pocket Pistol rules and guidelines
Legal pop guns are of the type of pistol manufactured 1945 or earlier. This not the date of manufacture of a particular pistol but the original version date, therefore a Walther pp could of been manufactured in 1939 or 1979 and be legal for pop. There are many pistols that are legal for this side match but the perfect example would be the 1903 colt hammerless. An early manufactured pistol that falls perfectly into the correct time frame, accurate and reliable. All legal pistols must be centerfire. Please note a few examples below and note this is not all inclusive.
Colt 1903 and 1908 hammerless, colt vest pocket 25 Walther PP or PPK, Walther vest pocket 25, Sauer 32, Ruby 32, 1900 FN browning, 1907 Savage 32/380, Remington hammerless, Ortgies 32, Beretta 1935, Mauser 1910, MAB 32 or 25, Llama mini 1911 in 32 or 380, Dreyse 1907 32, Frommer Stop 1910, Sauer 38H, Mauser HSC.
General rules and guide
POP guns fit in your pocket
Caliber not greater than 380
Centerfire only 25, 32, 380
Ww2 design cutoff date
Lead bullets only
Pistols may not be externally modified except aftermarket non target grips are allowed along with plating, bluing or engraving as cosmetic enhancements.
Magazines may be loaded any time prior to shooting time.
Magazine remains out of pistol until load and make ready call given by T.O.
Starting position is empty chamber magazine inserted. Scenario may call for pistol laying on table or in hand.
Stage finish under T.O. Direction remove magazine hold open slide if no slide stop to show clear, lower slide, dry fire pistol. Pistol is now safe and may be safely carried to storage area.
Typical stage: 6 or 7 shot Nevada sweep on 3 targets distance 5 to 9 yards
6 or 7 shot with double tap on 3 targets 1 on center.