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  1. Should be a GREAT ADDITION. Not only for her knowledge of shooting sports in general but her pedigree, I think, speaks for itself. Numerous titles including Ladies OA umpteen times at EOT, Winter Range. And she comes from a shooting lineage that I thinks needs no introduction.
  2. Cleaned it up a bit for you. Sounds like another fun side match. Just one more reason for someone to play! One thing I might mention. Back before there were official rules for Wild Bunch and we ran our own version it was wide open as to what could be shot, so long as the design was pre 1917. We wrote in the caveat that it was the competitors responsibility to prove a gun or design fit into the time frame. This was just in case someone drug something out that no one knew anything about.
  3. POP GUN side match Pocket Pistol rules and guidelines Legal pop guns are of the type of pistol manufactured 1945 or earlier. This not the date of manufacture of a particular pistol but the original version date, therefore a Walther pp could of been manufactured in 1939 or 1979 and be legal for pop. There are many pistols that are legal for this side match but the perfect example would be the 1903 colt hammerless. An early manufactured pistol that falls perfectly into the correct time frame, accurate and reliable. All legal pistols must be centerfire. Please note a few examples below and note this is not all inclusive. Colt 1903 and 1908 hammerless, colt vest pocket 25 Walther PP or PPK, Walther vest pocket 25, Sauer 32, Ruby 32, 1900 FN browning, 1907 Savage 32/380, Remington hammerless, Ortgies 32, Beretta 1935, Mauser 1910, MAB 32 or 25, Llama mini 1911 in 32 or 380, Dreyse 1907 32, Frommer Stop 1910, Sauer 38H, Mauser HSC. General rules and guide POP guns fit in your pocket Caliber not greater than 380 Centerfire only 25, 32, 380 Ww2 design cutoff date Lead bullets only Pistols may not be externally modified except aftermarket non target grips are allowed along with plating, bluing or engraving as cosmetic enhancements. Procedures Magazines may be loaded any time prior to shooting time. Magazine remains out of pistol until load and make ready call given by T.O. Starting position is empty chamber magazine inserted. Scenario may call for pistol laying on table or in hand. Stage finish under T.O. Direction remove magazine hold open slide if no slide stop to show clear, lower slide, dry fire pistol. Pistol is now safe and may be safely carried to storage area. Typical stage: 6 or 7 shot Nevada sweep on 3 targets distance 5 to 9 yards 6 or 7 shot with double tap on 3 targets 1 on center.
  4. Boggus I dug around and looked through several dozen old magazines and books. I couldn't find that article, but will continue to look as I go through things.
  5. I'll dig around and see if I can find it. I'd post here but copyright laws would probably prevent it? Maybe if I gave credit to the book/author?
  6. I have an article in an old pistolsmithing book at home somewhere. It is all about how to modify the magazines, reshaping the lips and gives dimensions on building a die to hammer the lips back into shape over. This was published early 70's IIRC, so before too much aftermarket stuff was available, mostly GI mags.
  7. 23 shots for 20 targets. Rotating. In layers. :o
  8. http://www.comanchevalley.org/011-04-2017WB.pdf
  9. Here's a great site with, as Ed McMahon would say, "Everything you could possibly want to know concerning the Model 8/81. Including the fact that it was one of the arsenal used in the ambush of Bonnie and Clyde by Frank Hamer and his posse. http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety.com/?page_id=434
  10. Just a quick note to congratulate Captain Sam Evans (Travis Bursey, Goathead the younger) on his Category win in WBM at Winter Range 2017. Even bigger attaboy for besting the field and taking the overall win, with Boggus Deal right behind. Looks like it was close the entire match, which I'm sure made for extra excitement. SALUTE!!!!!!
  11. Mouthy SOB, ain't ya :o :o! Happy New Year to you, too! ;D
  12. Have you tried looking at Ammo Depot? I haven't been in there in a while, but he used to have many surplus Nagants and Mausers of various sorts. Just down the road from you a half mile off 30, between Rockwall and Greenville. http://www.ammodepottx.com/firearms--optics.html#sthash.TQz0A1kJ.dpbs
  13. I tried shooting a 16 inch 73 carbine for a while. I found myself swinging past the targets due to the lightweight of the gun. If you continue to shoot a 20 or 24 inch heavy barrel in CAS I think your timing would be all off on both. If it were me I would treasure the 24 inch Marlin you have and save your money for another 1911. ;D
  14. Minor safety, why would you think otherwise? All reloads shall be from slide lock, no “tactical reloads.” You may not reload the pistol with a round in the chamber. (MSV) You may NOT reload a single round in the 1911 by placing it in the chamber and then closing the slide. (MSV) All ammunition must be loaded from a magazine. All reloads shall be from slide lock. (Failure to do so, MSV) THE ONLY EXCEPTION to the slide-lock rule is if after firing all the rounds in the magazine the slide lock fails and the shooter needs to reload without moving, one may do so without locking the slide back before inserting the new magazine
  15. Did the gun cycle with a squib???
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