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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Joe Lafives 5481L

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Everything posted by Joe Lafives 5481L

  1. Thanks Joe - nice explaination.
  2. Joe - what is sintered for fire control?
  3. Tom: That is correct. The daily scores were up and we posted the final on Sunday but there was a problem with the scoring system for the final. When would you all LIKE to have the final scores up?
  4. I can post the final scores whenever the WB committee asks me too. It has been the policy to post the final results AFTER the awards ceremony so as to keep it a "surprise" but I really don't have an issue either way. Just let me know.
  5. You seem to think you will be able to choose which skill set will take over when SHTF. What you practice the most is the default you will arrive at.
  6. I'll shoot it whether it has 5 or 7 BUT I don't prefer not to practice something that would hurt me in a real gunfight. 7 rounds and tac reloads would suit that criteria.
  7. It's important to accommodate shooters with special needs. However, it reminds just how great an example Ol' Deadeye was. Here was a gentleman that shot BP one handed and yet was missing one eye, part of a ear, his thumb on his right hand and both legs below the knee. Never asked for any special treatment on any stage in twenty some years of Cowboy shooting. Man I miss him.
  8. Here you go http://www.buckaroobobbins.com/index_files/Page376.htm
  9. Contacted CD and he posted the WB posse schedule at http://ponyexpressmatch.com/EOT%202014%20Shooting%20WB%20Schedule.pdf
  10. I notice that CD Tom has made the WB posses. I'm curious if anyone knows what the posse schedule will be as there are 5 posses but we only shoot 4 stages on each day.
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