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Joe Lafives 5481L

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About Joe Lafives 5481L

  • Birthday 11/07/1954

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  1. Swedish Mauser for sale $650
  2. We didn't post the scores for the Teddy R and Doughboy. Just the winners - this is because we can't score it as a mini match - no room.
  3. I tend to agree with August. We CANNOT KNOW the shooter's intention and since there is no order , a miss. Definitely possible that he was goin outside in , outside (miss but some pellets hit inside target) and then inside.
  4. I think that I mentioned if we could get 150+ shooters we could PROBABLY make 10 posses and so then we could do 6 stages a day for 12 stages. The time take would end up the same with less standing around but still have enough folks to run a posse.
  5. I need to confirm where we are at for OVERALL scoring. 2017 EOT had a real problem . We thought we solved it at Winter Range in 2018 but I saw some emails afterwards that tabled the action. So my question is - Do we break out gender for Overall Scoring or not. I want to make sure that EVERYONE knows our position before the start of Winter Range Thank You
  6. Right now we are prevented from changing the system until the Wild Bunch (not the committee) makes a decision.
  7. The primary advantage of the striker fired polymer guns that are so prevalent these days is simplicity. No de-cocker, no thumb safety just point and shoot which is why police depts replaced their revolvers with these types. Lots to choose from. I like the M&Ps and have a couple, I've owned Glocks - solid but felt like bricks. I'd look at Walter PPQ's as they are great ergonomic guns, The Springfield XDM's are good but the bore axis is a bit high. Thing to do is visit and handle as many of the 9mm's in the category and see what feels right and points the most naturally in YOUR hand. Some brands have some customization capability by swapping out the back-strap with smaller or larger pieces.
  8. Yep - you know the one with SEVEN HUNDRED PLUS shooters.
  9. If you plan to do both then there are a lot choices. The Colt would work BUT you are paying premium for the name. Personally if $1400 were my budget. I'd purchase a separate gun for each. Spend say $800 for a Springfield Range Officer if shooting Modern class Wild Bunch and $500 for a Glock or S&W M&P for 3 gun.
  10. If you go to http://winterrange.com/wild%20bunch.html you will see the round count there.
  11. The Rules changes are in effect at Winter Range and the link has been posted on the web site. Round count for the WB Main Match is 308 pistol 59 rifle 48 shotgun
  12. First 3-4 minutes are great
  13. I prefer Total time. After all that is what everyone compares rank or stage to when they see them posted. Additionally, it seems inconsistent to say - "well the other shooting sports don't use total time" and then talk about SDQ's which they don't use either. If we are going to have SDQ's then total time works just fine. Review some of the scores from a variety of matches as I have and see what happens if someone gets an SDQ and yet shoots a perfect match otherwise, typically they will still place but not first - usually around 7th. Which to my mind seems perfect. Not the total loss of a match like an MDQ but not top five either. Additionally. I absolutely hate when my score is somehow affected by what others do in a match. That's never a problem with total time. Stage scoring is like grading on the curve - When teachers do that it's because they don't know if their test is "fair".
  14. Of course it becomes a non problem if you use total time.
  15. I've always liked Brian Enos' Slide Glide - especially in the Arizona heat.
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