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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

El Chapo

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El Chapo last won the day on July 27 2024

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  1. Yet I shot 170+ PF ammo at steel targets in another shooting sport (as I was required to do by the rules) and not only did nobody die or get hurt, even jacketed bullets were allowed! Old habits die hard. SASS is more guilty of it than any other sport I've tried. Although I'm not even sure my gun will run with 150 pf .45 ACP--I've never tried to load it.
  2. That's kinda what I was thinking without saying it. I would support raising the PF for rifles to 150 and the handguns to 175-180.
  3. My comment wasn't to determine if it was possible, my question was whether we can persuade them to change the rules to require it.
  4. I wonder if it'd be possible to go to 150 pf even with the .38s? I am pretty sure I can get a 158 grain bullet to 1000 fps no problem out of my rifle even with 38 brass and probably with the powder I'm already using.
  5. Already booked that weekend or I'd be there.
  6. My WB 1911 is a Kimber I've had for 20 years. I also have an STI Spartan 9mm, Springfield EMP 9mm, and a 2011 in .40 S&W. So 2, 3, or 4 depending on how you count. I keep saying I'm going to get a custom 1911 but maybe I will wait until I retire. I used to carry the EMP more but I bought a Shield and it's close enough that when I carry an auto, that's what I carry.
  7. Ha, and every Colt is necessarily not a Browning. It's not as if Colt is the "original."
  8. I plan to shoot my Kimber that I've had for 20+ years in modern. I could be persuaded to buy one of the cheap guns for traditional but I don't own a traditional 1911 right now. I can polish everything up to my liking so a cheap gun is fine. I don't own any Colts and I don't see myself ever owning one. I don't really understand the appeal. If I was shopping 50 years ago and that was what was available, it'd be different.
  9. Round count instead of sweeps Raise power factor for pistol and rifle All wood stock pumps should be allowed I like the idea of plastic basepads
  10. I am shooting 230s with Solo 1000. I will probably switch to something like Ramshot Zip when I run out of it. If I can make Ramshot Competition work at the PF I want, I may just do that since that's what I use for smokeless CAS.
  11. I don't think it's true that spam filters caught the confirmation email for this forum. It never sent me one. I even changed email addresses and it never went to either one. Something is wrong with the forum software. I don't think telling people to call is a solution. Not everyone is going to do that. The software needs to be fixed to start allowing people to sign up without having to to email or call. If we want to grow, we need the technology to work for us.
  12. What I really wonder is why more wasn't considered from other shooting sports. Things like allowing every 1911, allowing plastic basepads, and having an open round count with a certain number of hits per steel target seem like no brainers to me. I can think of a few other suggestions I have as well that come from other sports that will not sit well with traditional cowboy shooters but will potentially draw people from other shooting disciplines. I don't even understand how the 38 rifles are controversial, and if that's an issue, it should be adjusted with power factor requirements, not bullet diameter. Maybe the simplest suggestion that I can give is to stop worrying about appearances so much and focus on the marksmanship. That is what shooting matches are about after all.
  13. A 158 grain bullet at 1000 fps out of a 20" barrel is a piece of cake if that was what we were expected to load. I don't bother because the power factor is 60, so I doubt my 125s are more than 900 fps. I could probably bump them to 1200 or even more out of the rifle if that was what was required, but I don't think it'd enhance the game at all for them to require me to do so. If people really cared about power factor, the power factor for 45 ACP should be raised to at least 165, if not 175. A handgun at that power is much harder to shoot fast than one at 150. A 45 ACP with a 10 pound recoil spring and 150 pf ammo is a mouse fart compared to a 16 pound spring and 180+ pf (factory type) hard ball loads.
  14. I would have done it a long time ago if they had offered that rule. I was putting off having to remove my magwell, remove my fiber optic sight and install a plain one, obtain flush fitting magazines, buy another rifle just to shoot another caliber, and buying a pump shotgun when I shoot CAS with a sxs. Now at least I only needed to do the first few things to be able to shoot. If I could have used my 870 police (wood stock, basic as it gets) that alone might have pushed me over the edge to try it.
  15. I am facing the same dilemma! My gun is a 28" or so modified choke barrel. I have all the stuff to cut it but I'd talked myself out of it. I need to get to cutting!!
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