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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by Muggins

  1. Thanks for the replies. My interpretation of the rule book was that anything not explicitly permitted as a modification is strictly prohibited, rendering a swap of the mag release from the left side to the right not a viable/legal option. Who knows, maybe in the future additional modifications will be permitted. Maybe not enough wrong-handed shooters complained yet to warrant it's consideration or amendment to the handbook.
  2. Long time stalker, first time poster. My wife is a southpaw and would love to have a 1911 with a mag release on the right hand side so she can operate it with her left thumb as opposed to operating a normal 1911 magazine release with her pointer finger on her left (dominant) hand. After reading the shooter's hand book regarding modern category modifications, it doesn't appear that a mag release modification to the right side (like this product https://masterpiecearms.com/shop/mpa-mitchell-right-side-mag-release/) is permissible. Can anyone confirm whether a 1911 could be legally modified to accommodate a lefty, or if she is stuck with the standard mag release on the left hand side? I've tried to convince her to just shoot like the good Lord and JM Browning intended, but she's not swayed. Thanks!
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