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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by TriggerHappy

  1. While reading through the new Wild Bunch Shooter's Handbook, Version 17.5, Dated January 2025, I noticed on page 28, Stage Disqualification Penalty, statement line #5 "Any discharge that hits the ground or non-expendable prop 5 to 10 feet from the shooter." Is the same Match Disqualification statement on page 29, line item #9. Just curious as to which one is correct.
  2. Just my 2 cents, after shooting the World Championship Wild Bunch Match at this years 2024 EOT, to me the match was nothing but a cowboy match with a 1911. There was no challenge to the match, target sets were the same as the Cowboy match, with maybe a couple of added Shotgun targets. Target sizes were big and close, with a couple of plates racks to engage. I believe SASS will continue to lose veteran and seasoned Wild Bunch shooters under the current rules. Whatever you are attempting to gain in new shooters, you will lose in the veterans, who loved and enjoyed the challenge and variety of targets and scenarios of the original basic style Wild Bunch matches. Wild Bunch is not a speed match as depicted in your comments in the new rules booklet, page 4, version 17.4, dated April 10, 2024. Maybe an Open Category or a Mild Bunch side match, would be a b etter place to start, to collect information and drive interest. Power factor, even for .38 ammo should still be required, as with weapons (1911) safety checks. It's suppose to be different than Cowboy Action, with a greater challenge. Not a match where lots of clean match pins are awarded for accuracy and speed. Let's get the 28, 35 & 42 pistol round count back in the game. Pistol only stages with lots of targets. Rifle round counts in the 5 to 10 per stage. Shotgun- 4, 6 & 8 rounds to a stage. Poppers, swingers, action target sets. Again, just my 2 cents. The old way was better. I'm afraid the new way will end up being a Cowboy version of fast and furious with a 1911.
  3. On the SASS wire, under 2024 EOT schedule, response by Rattlesnake Slim, is where I found the information about TG meeting's being combined. I also saw there was no update to the schedule about the WB TG meeting, so asked on other wire.
  4. According to Misty, the WB & Cowboy TG meeting will be held 2/29/2024 in the Berger building at 5:15pm.
  5. CHL, I have sent a message to SASS HQ., about identifying what the age limit is for seniors in Wild Bunch. Stand By, it's Friday, office is almost empty. THT
  6. After reading the new Wild Bunch handbook, I noticed that the Section 8 Wild Bunch RO Pocket card, looks exactly like the Cowboy RO pocket card. No revolvers in WIld Bunch. I contacted the SASS HQ office for clarification.
  7. I will not change the way I set up and shoot both WB & CAS at my home club. If you want to shoot what your have, then come and play. But leave the competitive natural of Wild Bunch alone at the major venues, i.e. Regionals, National & EOT. It's not a cowboy action with a 1911. I don't want to see more whining by the new CAS or ??? shooters, then change the round counts back to 5 round mags, cause they can't count past 5. Leave it alone. Afraid this may backfire on SASS. Just my 2 cents.
  8. I was asked the question at our last match, if it was permissible to have 1911 cocked/holstered upon leaving loading table heading to the firing line. My answer was no, all hammers on all firearms must be down on an empty chamber or safety notch., reference Match Director's Handbook Ver. 15 2022, page 15, loading table officer's duties. If, however, the 1911 is cocked and shooter leaves loading table to stage firearms, and the TO or others notice the cocked 1911, can the shooter correct the error, under TO instructions, draw-point and pull the trigger, as might be done with same situation with the rifle, then if no bang, re-holster and continue with a no-call. Or if a big bang, then assess the penalty- SDQ. I'm not finding the answer in the shooter's handbook loading table directions for the 1911, on page 9 of the shooter's handbook, to verify hammer down.
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